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Have You Ever Committed a Crime?

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mrs_overall | 13:03 Thu 26th May 2011 | ChatterBank
55 Answers
Following on from Salla's admission that she is a habitual shoplifter, I wondered if anyone else wants to confess? I'll own up to scrumping apples as a child.


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Thanks mrs o ;-)
yes several :-)
Is buggery still an offence?
Or just offensive?
A few drug offenses, aside from the knowledge that the routes of availability are far from 'fair trade' I see it as only harming myself.
I used to ride my bicycle at night without lights. Does that count?
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I've also appropriated the odd paper clip and envelope in my time
I stole a single egg from a supermarket.
a crime in others eyes? most likely
a crime in my eyes? nah never
Not enough to make a decent omelette. I'd have took at least a couple.
You FIEND !!!
Talking of that salla....I was told girls today do that to preserve their virginity - tell me that's not true ?
not that i recall
I've only ever stolen when there was no 'direct victim' eg. thieving equipment from a company that laid me off.
What? make omelettes?
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Oh, I forgot to mention I am an arsonist. Mr O was once set upon my two blokes outside a pub. I can't fight to save my life so I got my zippo out and set their shirts alight.
No Salla, the evil egg thief !
I only needed one _ we already had the brownie mix...

I also take home all the toilteries from hotel rooms. Does that count ?( bearing in mind I now have 2 carrier bags full of tiny bottles ) .
do you drive anne?
The local police had little to do when I was in my early teens. They swooped on a group of us playing football in the street. We were all charged and fined 7/6, (37p).
Every time I go into Cafe Nero or Costa I walk away with a newspaper. That's if I get there early enough before some other bugger has nicked them.

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