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ummmm | 17:44 Sat 04th Feb 2012 | Home & Garden
17 Answers
Between a butlers sink and a Belfast sink??


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I've lived in Belfast nearly all my life and have never seen a Belfast sink.
I think they may be the same
Butler's is just a Genre of the design .. so to speak.
Belfast has a 'weir' overflow .. moulded partly on outside.
English is completely integrated.
London - No overflow.
Butlers sinks can be either 'London' or 'Belfast'.

Belfast sinks are a little shallower than London.

London sinks are shallower than Belfast.
Thanks Sandy, we were pondering that question only the other day and I had not got round to posting it.
You dont see as many butler sinks for sale on ebay ?
Butler's sinks can be English too.
Different manufacturers have different ideas now tho .. although Belfasts are in a couple of standard sizes.
I have a mini one.
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Thank you all :-)

I said a butlers was deeper than a Belfast. I will now read the links..
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Sandy...very interesting link. Thanks...
My butler has been asking for his own sink but, I cant afford it!

A Belfast sink dosent have a plug hole :-)
The Belfast sink is a lot thicker.
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I have a belfast sink....but it's smaller than the Belfast I had in my old house. I kinda thought they came in standard sizes...
Never understood the recent popularity of these types of sink. They're known as 'undermount sinks', and when poorly fitted they leave a gap which acts as a dirt trap between the sink and the worktop. There's also the problem of how to prevent water from damaging the worktop where it sits on the top edge of the sink. Anyone thinking of fitting one should consider a ceramic 'inset' kitchen sink instead. They look much the same, but incorporate a lip that sits on the worktop, meaning there's nowhere for the dirt to become trapped, and no risk of water damage to the worktop.
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I love my sink heathfield. When I'm cooking I fill the sink with hot water and throw everything I've used into the sink. By the time dinner has finished, I unplug the sink, everything is soaked and I put everything in the dishwasher :-)

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