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Texts and Bats

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gness | 08:32 Tue 03rd Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
In my last garden I had bats galore. I was longing to see some here and late last night I did. Late, but I just had to send a text to my daughter. "BATS! BATS! I have bats. Love BattyMA!xx Then, in my excitement, I sent it to the tiler who had been out to give me a quote.


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Hahaha.... that is hilarious. He probably just thought you were a mad old bat.
Hope he dont slate you off okay its dosnt batter .Wait tile he sees it he will be full of rafter .
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If he didn`t before he does now kiki.
Ha ha.
I love bats.
I had a text from someone saying they had seen bats!
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He saw it weecalf......late. His plumber mate told me this a.m. He gave me a wary look. Bought daughter a bat detector for Christmas. She saw bats for the first time on Friday and left her dinner guests to try it out. Batty family I think.
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Sorry to wake you Tyler.
Ahh, well, back to the Belfry for me! Have a good day.
a bat detector...

that's got me in hysterics
Love bats - get the usual small ones in the garden here.

Most amazing though are the Greater Horseshoe bats above Buckfastleigh in Devon - huge things flying up a tree covered track (like a green tunnel) - up close and personal if you don't duck out of the way.
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Why mccf? It was that or soap on a rope.
SD. Will tell her. She`s not long moved to Devon.
i don't know, i think i am probably imagining something very different from the actual thing

(i have batman stuck to the roof shouting bat alert whenever he sees one)
its a little box that converts bat calls to audible frequencies so you can hear them...
thats boring, unless its shouts what the bats are actually saying, then it could be fun :-)
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Of course it shouts what the bats are saying.
squeak...squeak SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK splat!!! radar not working
We had a Pipistrelle fly in the front room once at dusk. It did some amazing aerobatics around the room before flying straight in to the wall and braking it's neck.
What? On examination it was kinda cute, although its head bent at an unnatural angle did spoil the overall image.
look i cried at real steel on sunday, don;t talk to me about dead bats

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