1. Now that my lupins have started to form seed pods, what do I do to grow more lupins. Are they self seeding or do they need saving and planting in compost next year?
2 I planted a golden delicious apple tree in the spring. It's very healthy and has lots of branches. Can I take to bottom ones off and make it into a sort of standard?
If you want them where they are, do nothing. if you want them somewhere else then you can collect the seed and sow it in seed trays. Dont know about the apple tree.
you get slightly better germination with pre chilling apparently but I never bothered don't expect them to be the same colour as the parent plant a lot will be but you never can tell...
Oh, that's a shame about the colour. The one I want to try to grow more of is a lovely pale yellow. I don't want pinky, purpley ones, they are everywhere. This lemon one is stunning.