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Tilly2 | 08:48 Sun 08th Jul 2012 | Home & Garden
23 Answers
Morning Tony,
Can you please tell me how to bleed a ladder style heated towel rail?

The one in my bathroom gets hot to about three quarters of the way up but is cold at the top.

At the top, on either side, are two hexagonal nuts. Where's the bleeding bit?


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If you have a radiator valve key (it's normally got a square or triangular indentation in the end) you insert that in the end of the radiator - one of the nuts you mention is probably the valve. Turn it gently - have a cloth or dish handy as once the air clears, the filthy water inside will scoosh out quickly.
^^ the valve is always at the top of the rad, IMO
Tilly! Language!!
Tilly, It is as boxy says ( it is very easy to do ).
Oi boxy she asked for advice from me, chatterbanks very own leering plumber ! lol.
O great leerer, I didn't know you were up yet :-)
phantom pretend plumber
Well if I'm not up it's always on my mind !
Don`t think Tony`s been up since Radio Show Part One.
I'm no phantom sibton and also no plumber, just a pretty capable DIYer.
Oi gness, they are healing very nicely I'll have you know.
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Right, on the left hand side is an hexagonal nut and on the right hand side there's an hexagonal nut with a screw in the centre.
There is no traditional triangular hole to put the bleeding key in.
Shall I loosen the right hand nut screw with a screwdriver and see what happens.
This is one of those lovely shiny, five foot high heated rails
Yep, give that a try Tilly, then let me know what happens, loosen the screw slowly until you hear the hissing of air being released.
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Will do Tony. Got to find a screwdriver now! Will a knife do?
If you use a knife, make sure the tip of the blade fits the slot in the screw nice and snug. You have got the heating on haven't you, the hot water as to be circulating around the system for you to bleed the rad ?
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No Tony. The heating's not on. That thought just occured to me whilst I was looking for the screwdriver. I was just going to ask you if it would work when the heating's not on.I'll leave it until we put the heating on and trey then. I'll put the screwdriver in a safe place. Then I will forget where I put it. Anyway, I think I've got an idea what to do now thanks to all. I'll ask again in October, if I can't do it then.
When did you last have the hot water flowing around the rads Tilly ?
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End of April.
Whats made you think about the bathroom rad just now ?.
Question Author
Only because, yesterday. I put two damp towels on there and this morning they were still a bit damp. So I thought to myself. 'Ill be glad the get the towel rail on again.' and then I though, 'Oh, it needs bleeding.' Then, I thought 'I know, I'll ask Tony, he'll know what to do!'

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