Who struggles with child proof tops on bottles and jars. I have two different sizes of contraptions which are okay for jars. It's the bottles I struggle with. The type that you push down and then turn. At present I have a bottle of bleach, a bottle of toilet cleaner and a bottle of aspirin. I feel like taking them back to the shop as not fit for purpose. Reason I can't get the flipping lids off.
I once couldn't open a jar of beetroot so in a fit of temper went outside and threw it against the garden wall.................when I looked round my neighbour was wetting himself laughing :-(
Jars, I get the rolling pin with a sharp knife and bash a small hole in the lid, this releases air & one turn & its off.
I make sure I buy aspirin in packets. I never buy bleach.
LoL...poor mrs comm can't open bar of chocolate....but like other abers has arthritis bad....I play the white knight and ride to the rescue...eee I am good to 'er the old dear..:-(
ooh I gave up those contraptionsyears ago if its on medicine i ask the chemist to loosen the top as I will never get in. Also some tablets in pop out packs are a nightmare for anyone with arthritus.
I had some tablets in a childproof pack. Next time i got my prescription i asked the chemist and he gave them to me in an easy open carton pack. so i never have that problem now. thank goodness.