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Re-filling bean bags

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divegirl | 11:52 Thu 20th Sep 2012 | Home & Garden
16 Answers
Afternoon campers!

Bare with me here! I have two rather large dog beds that are filled with bean bag beans, that are in deed of an overhaul. The 'bags' are in perfect condition but they need some new balls and the existing balls have escaped their inner bags.
I can order new balls easy enough but what can I use for the balls to go into inside their 'bags'? phew! The ones on line come in plastic bags that will not last two minutes!
Any ideas?

Lisa x


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Not sure if they would be suitable, but I use these for my bean bag:
11:54 Thu 20th Sep 2012
Not sure if they would be suitable, but I use these for my bean bag:
how about cheapie duvet covers?
a single bed duvet cover? youd have to sew up the end rather than use the tabs though
Question Author
Nice one Mr Rae....any one have a cheaper option though lol
Question Author
I did think of pillow cases. At the moment there are about 6 individual bags in each big bag but they have holes in as there are loads of escapee balls.
I'm hoping a cleaned out Henry Hoover is going to help me there!

Lisa x
Question Author
Sussed it, thank you again MR as now I know what it's called just found some one much cheaper on Ebay.

Lisa x
> just found some much cheaper on Ebay.

Hope you have a decent vacuum cleaner, then...
Question Author
lol...yeah have a Henry, like I said though the outer bags are in brilliant condition, built to withstand attacking Great Danes, but when I opened them there were balls everywhere. They'll live another year or so just need puffing up a bit.

Lisa x
I'd rather BEAR with you than bare with you!
I have some zip-up cotton pillow case protectors that would be ideal for putting the polystyrene balls in. I'm sure I got them from Dunhelm Mill.
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Do you know what SQ....I asked three people who were in my house at the time of posting this which word to use.... that all said bare.... one has a degree in English [from some years ago] but all were men :0/ Oh well!

Lisa x
We sell em :)
Question Author
The bags they go in? And who is 'we'? lol
Sorry Divegirl. As soon as I said it I realised that if I post the link here now I've said I work there I'll get in trouble.
I'm an idiot.
Lemme conjure up an email addy for you. :)

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