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i am an angry bunny:(

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slinky.kate | 15:14 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
just spilled a huge container of lovely home made soup in the fridge,inside and out,on worktops,soaked me,had to get my son over to clean it up it was so bad,i dont have great power in my hands and it just 'went'honestly i could cry...


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I spilled my dinner the other week, day before shopping, every other bu99er had theirs, alba was slightly peckish.
15:21 Wed 24th Oct 2012
AND breathe.

It's irritating, it's annoying, it's a significant pain in the arris. But don't cry over spilt soup.

(Although I'd be effing hopping mad).
Oh dear kate, it's just one of those things you know, crap happens at least no damage done and all cleaned up now.
Has your son settled into the flat yet ?.
have a strong cup of tea and a sit-down.

Dare I suggest you use smaller containers in future?
Oh bums Slinky......I do feel for you. I knocked a glass of red into my shredder the other night....or my resident ghost did. Not as bad as losing the home made soup though. x
And this is the reason you should never make home made soup.
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that container is going in the bloody bin alba,
son doesnt like the flat tony he is not signing another lease for it,going to go for an unfurnished,(the key burst in the lock last tuesday and he could'nt get out til 12.30 and had to take a days holiday)
barmaid i am calming down now,son is on his hands and knees cleaning it up.
I spilled my dinner the other week, day before shopping, every other bu99er had theirs, alba was slightly peckish.
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and the ridiculous thing is my pal asked me to make her some soup and i was getting veg out of the fridge(did'nt dreami would be wearing my own)
Shame about the flat, kate, has he got another one sorted yet.
awww thanks for besty xx

I'm sad he's not pleased with the flat, will he be staying there until he gets an unfurnished or going back to B&B? can have another LOL for the one I took back earlier.
Evian, you can have an LOL from me too! :)

Sorry about your soup Kate xx
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he signed a lease for 6 months,so he will have to stay there,when he comes home on friday for the weekend he is taking me back for a weeks holiday,to give me a break(i think its so i'll feed him)
come to think of it, I've got a bowl of home-made lentil in the fridge. Forgot all about it, thanks Evian :-D
So he's got a few months of lease to go yet, kate.
and feed him you will Kate x
(maybe not home-made soup though)

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i have cooled down now,the kitchen is nearly done,i had a lovely day at the bingo yesterday,i won£268,and then £50,and then £20 and a tenner,i split it all with my pal though.
Well done kate. I''ll have a pint !.
I feel your pain. Should have had a good cry and maybe you'd have felt more able to cope with it all a bit sooner.

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i am an angry bunny:(

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