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Central heating temperature.

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Tilly2 | 19:30 Sun 28th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Just out of interest and as a comparison, what temperature do you have your thermostat set at?

Ours is set at 18 degrees and I don't think it's warm enough but my husband does.


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20 degrees.
Same here- I go for 17/18; mrs factor wants 20-21. We keep adjusting the dial up and down
20 degrees.
21 Tilly.
Fit a dummy roomstat for him to set to 18, then put the real one somewhere he won't notice (easy job........ only 3 wires ...... sometimes 2)

We keep ours at around that - the house faces south and so gets very warm when the sun comes round (not today....)
It kind of doesn't matter what ours is on BECAUSE IT DOESN'T BLINKING WORK PROPERLY! If I have to tell Mr BM to get a plumber out again, I might be taking a torque wrench to his valves!
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Do you leave the heating on all the time or turn it off at night?
16 from 7am - 3pm then 18 until 11pm then 12 until 7am. But we do often light the woodburner at about 4.
I leave mine on but turn it down to 15 degrees.
Set to 20 and comes on fro a couple of hours in morning and a few in the evening.

I cannot sleep in a heated bedroom, always have to have fresh air.
Barmaid ..................

simple job to do yourself. If you mess up, then call the plumber. Tell the OH it finally packed up with all the twiddling ;o(
I haven't got a thermostat...but if I did,I'd most likely have it set to 20. It's 18.5 in here at the moment and I could do with a bit more warmth. When I was young,my dad always set the heating to about 25-27......we all roasted!
The thermostat is at 24, but the radiators that are turned on are only on 3 (out of 5) and the wood burner is lit too, probably not the most efficient way to do it though.
21.5. I do feel the cold and so do the dogs. It goes off over night but i have an oil fired radiator in the bedroom.
think the problem is with the boiler Builder. Will that work?

I can't do another winter like we did last year.
It's a lot to do with how much you move about and what the ambient temperature is; if you're moving you create your own heat, if the air is being warmed up you're skin is aware of getting warmer regardless of what the temperature actually is. That's why people who are more sedentary tend to keep upping the setting to make the heating switch on.
**your** not you're!!!
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With decent insulation, Tilly, you shouldn't have to leave it on overnight. Goes off at bedtime, and on again an hour before you get up maybe.

Barmaid .......... you do need a heating guy.......... it may be an expensive circuit board, but it could easily be a cheap thermistor (thermostat kinda thing)

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