Part of Building Control requirements demand that the drains are capable of holding a slight positive pressure for a minimum periods of seconds (can't remember the requirement) and the way that this is supposed to happen is that the Building Control Officer witnesses the test, when on site inspecting your build. Builders up and down the country know this, so it simply doesn't hold water (no pun intended) that your builder just omitted it.
What's important is that you get the Building Control certificate for the finished job, and it seems unlikely to me that BC will issue the certificate without witnessing the test.
It can be done at any time - the open ends of the above / below ground system are bunged-up temporarily whilst a water manometer is used to slightly pressurise the air in the sewer pipe.
I would phone BC and ask their comment - they should be willing to come and witness the test, but I doubt they will actually be willing to do it - that isn't the way it works. Your builder needs to get back there and co-ordinate this, and since I trust your haven't paid him all the contract cost (because you haven't got the certificate), he will have an incentive to do so.
The test, by the way, takes 15 mins to set-up (bungs) and about 5 mins to do.