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kawagino | 11:31 Fri 01st Feb 2013 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
We have had a large dehumidifier in a room trying to dry a flooded wooden parquet floor. It was a100% saturated and after 8 weeks of it on 24 hours a day the company working for the insurance company have removed it. It is still measuring 85% saturated and it now looks like the floor will have to be replaced as it has been too damaged. Does anyone know approximately how much the electricity costs will have been for this machine please?


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There's been a lot of this lately kawa, with the bad weather.
You would need to know the power consumption of the units used. Any idea of the make and model number? Maybe on an invoice?
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Thank you for your reply builder. I am afraid we did not look at the machine at all closely when it was here. The guy covered it in heavy duty black plastic, and taped lots of the same all over the floor. It was very noisy and in our kitchen, which is also a way through to our lounge so really boring for the two months. He came and checked the situation every week. It is under insurance after excess but we are supposed to have some refund for the electricity used and I have no idea how to guage this. Really girly thing but I do know it was black and turquoise which I do not think helps.
roughly if it and industrial one ,if your electric is 12 per unit the i would say 24p per hour running
As Deggers has said.
It may be that yours was a 1.5kw unit, so a bit less. I would go for around 25p per hour. Cost per kwh vary. I pay about 13.5p.

8 weeks = 56 days x 24 hours = 1344 hours @ 25p = £336
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Thank you so much Deggers and Builder. I had absolutely no idea, and will be prepared for a high electricity bill.

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