Quizzes & Puzzles3 mins ago
Green Deal Boiler Replacement
4 Answers
I have been told that my inefficient boiler can be replaced at no additional cost to me under the Green Deal process.How does this work?
It has also been suggested that as I am over 70 I can have my boiler replaced free. Can this possibly be true?
It has also been suggested that as I am over 70 I can have my boiler replaced free. Can this possibly be true?
For those living in Scotland the Scottish Government offer a £400 voucher through the 'Boiler Scrapage Scheme'. Google it for details.
22:14 Sat 16th Feb 2013
This link is from British Gas who, obviously, would like you to use their services - but the information is relevant whoever you choose to use:
http:// www.bri tishgas .co.uk/ smarter -living /save-e nergy/g reen-de al/how- does-gr een-dea l-work. html
If you click on 'Find out more about what products are included' and then select the 'Heating' tab, you'll see that providing more energy efficient boilers comes within the scheme.
The official Government website says much the same thing:
https:/ /www.go v.uk/gr een-dea l-energ y-savin g-measu res/how -the-gr een-dea l-works
(I included the British Gas link as it seems more detailed).
Some councils have local (free) boiler replacement schemes, such as this one in Islington:
http:// www.isl ington. gov.uk/ service s/parks -enviro nment/s ustaina bility/ sus_awa rmth/Pa ges/Boi ler-rep lacemen t-schem e.aspx
It might be worth asking your council if they've got anything similar. Alternatively, AGE UK should know what's on offer:
http:// www.age uk.org. uk/cont act-us/
If you click on 'Find out more about what products are included' and then select the 'Heating' tab, you'll see that providing more energy efficient boilers comes within the scheme.
The official Government website says much the same thing:
(I included the British Gas link as it seems more detailed).
Some councils have local (free) boiler replacement schemes, such as this one in Islington:
It might be worth asking your council if they've got anything similar. Alternatively, AGE UK should know what's on offer:
Chris has kindly pointed you to the links, but the answer to your first question (in a few words) is that the capital cost of paying for the new boiler gets added onto your energy bill per quarter. However, since the new efficient boiler will use less energy than the old one, the new quarterly energy payment you make will be less than before because the saving in energy usage is greater than the 'mortage' repayment for the new boiler. This is why the schemes have to be subject to an audit beforehand - to check that the old boiler is inefficient enough so the new scheme will save the householder money.
However, if you can get a new boiler for free (or subsidised) due to your age, that would be a better bet.
However, if you can get a new boiler for free (or subsidised) due to your age, that would be a better bet.
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