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Need A New Shower.

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keenonhist | 17:49 Sun 17th Mar 2013 | Home & Garden
8 Answers
The new shower we hope tp buy is a "MIRA" for around £160 pounds. But we don`t know any thing about them. Are they as good as some people (plumbers) say thay are? Any one got one? If so can you give us your opinion of it please.


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When we had our bathroom gutted and rebuilt about 7yrs ago I asked the builder to choose the shower. We have a Mira - I'm sorry I don't know the model - but it is not buried in the wall and is proud about 5 inches. We have never had a problem with it and, once warm, the temperature stays fairly constant. I would recommend from our experience.
We have a Mira, it is over 20 years old and has always worked brilliantly, until last month when the pump went, one new pump later and all was well again :)
I've had two Mira showers, K.....excellent.
MIRA has always been my first choice, unless there's a special offer on a "Triton".
There are other good ones, but MIRA are consistently good.
I've never come across better after sales than MIRA or Triton.
Agreed - ours is only 3 years old, but completely reliable. Very soon after it was installed, the on/off switch stopped working, so we phoned the number on the guarantee card and a man came round as soon as you would like and replaced it; no charge, and no trouble since.
Agree about after sales, Builder. We had a peculiar bathroom and they were more than helpful.
I had a Mira that had a steel circlip inside the tap. One evening, water poured out of the fitting, and I found that the circlip had rusted away due to a worn 'O'-ring. I was astonished that Mira, considering the quality of the rest of the fitting, hadn't had the foresight to make the circlip out of stainless steel. But a quick repair, and all was OK again.
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Very many for all of your replies.They have been most helpful. The next stop is the purchase of a "MIRA" shower.

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