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Oh F Word F Word And All Others!!!

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gness | 18:23 Thu 25th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Dashing about getting ready to go to the theatre at looked really good so I decided to spray it to make it last......
No bloody glasses on...I have sprayed my hair with white fabric glue by mistake!!!! Bu99er and bums.....oh well.....:-( Don't suppose I'd have pulled chance now. x


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Never had you down as stuck-up gness!
Your hair is sure as hell gonna last now........thank goodness it was looking good before you 'set' it!

Keep away from the glitter draw until the glue has dried or else you'll be looking like a pantomime dame......
That's the trouble with doing everything by gness
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at least it will stay in shape. so that makes a change. no chance of arriving looking like you've been pulled through a hedge backwards. dear gness there is a plus side.
Anyone you do pull will stick around. Look on the bright side.
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Just about right, Stephen.....:-( Off now...feel a plonker.......x that's not an instruction to you all by the way!
Going to see Shampoo or Hair HairSpray, gness?
Have a great night x
I'm sticking with you
'Cos I'm made outta glue
I love Answerbank! You all make me feel normal. Have a great night, gness. And let us know what you wake up with sticking to your head tomorrow. x
on the upside your style will stay in for a while x
How are you going to was it out?
wash it out Tilly's got a rotten cold
oh dear gness

Well spotted, Psybbo!
i can see how you had to restrain yourself with the language

would you like me to teach you some klingon curses? then no one can be offended
Tilly, you must be on the road to recovery. I never spotted that one

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Oh F Word F Word And All Others!!!

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