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Cleaning Silver

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EcclesCake | 17:59 Wed 04th Sep 2013 | Home & Garden
9 Answers
Can I use the aluminium foil and boiling water method in a stainless steel sink or should I use a washing up bowl?


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If you're employing the foil plus baking soda method, you'll obviously use less baking soda with a bowl.
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I think I can stretch to another 10p worth of baking soda!

I was wondering if the tarnish would latch onto the sink and I'd have clean silver but a mucky sink!
I would use a plastic bowl to protect the silver from scratches...also if you are cleaning jewellery and small things by this method, even though the sink plug is in tight and you double check the sink before you pull the plug, you can guarantee that SOMETHINg will end up in the U bend lol.
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It's big stuff I'm cleaning so disappearing down the plug hole isn't a concern.

Locating/buying a sufficiently large washing up bowl is!

Bunging it all in the sink is my easy cop out......l
Just use newspaper Eccles..To rub the silver, then polish it up with a cloth
no no no! you do ONE piece at a time in a plastic bowl!!! silver is soft, it scratches and dents easily. if its a pot with a lid, you do the pot and the lid separately.
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Relax Woofgang, I'll do it piece by piece but I'm still struggling to remember where the washing up bowl is so it make end up being bunged in the sink.
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poundshop Eccles!

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Cleaning Silver

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