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E7 Or E10 Meter?

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liverpool51 | 12:27 Sat 26th Oct 2013 | Home & Garden
1 Answers
Will economy 10 meter be compatable with the current water heater I have at present what's the economy 7 type? I'm supposed to get 7hrs of cheaper off-peak electricity between 2am-7am. With the E10 meter you only get 5hrs of off-peak electricity from 12midnight-5am. So would I be paying high-rate electricity for those extra 2hrs? I'm considering getting the E10 meter as you get extra off-peak electricity 1-4pm & 8-10pm, so that wouls enable me to use washer etc, in those off-peak times. My H/A removed storage heating system & replaced them with a wet-heat system, but I've discovered this is too costly to run, so they've agreed to reinstall the storage heating system. I'm still on E7 & too scared to put eating on. I'm a 62 yr old pensioner with ashtma. HELP.


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E7 Or E10 Meter?

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