Quizzes & Puzzles3 mins ago
Stir-Up Sunday
15 Answers
It is my turn (again!) to do flowers in church. Next Sunday we have our monthly children's service, mainly for very young children. I know that all the ingredients for a Christmas pudding are going to be stirred up, & then taken away to be cooked during the remainder of the service, & (one that we prepared earlier!) will appear ready to be eaten at the end.
Just a thought .... Instead of flowers I wondered about doing a funky arrangement - in a mixing bowl - of wooden spoons, & the ingredients needed to make a Christmas pudding. I have stalks of wheat, & can thread sultanas, raisins, glacé cherries etc onto thread & suspend them from holly/twigs. I can also get small single-portion packs of butter.
But .... Where can I buy 'eggs'? I have telephoned several craft shops locally, & if they have them at all they seem to be highly decorated, whereas I'd like something natural looking. I don't think I can face blowing about a dozen real eggs myself.
I live between Oxford & Stratford-upon-Avon & am prepared to travel. Does anyone have any suggestions.
Just a thought .... Instead of flowers I wondered about doing a funky arrangement - in a mixing bowl - of wooden spoons, & the ingredients needed to make a Christmas pudding. I have stalks of wheat, & can thread sultanas, raisins, glacé cherries etc onto thread & suspend them from holly/twigs. I can also get small single-portion packs of butter.
But .... Where can I buy 'eggs'? I have telephoned several craft shops locally, & if they have them at all they seem to be highly decorated, whereas I'd like something natural looking. I don't think I can face blowing about a dozen real eggs myself.
I live between Oxford & Stratford-upon-Avon & am prepared to travel. Does anyone have any suggestions.
I googled polystyrene eggs and lots of things popped up such as http://www.c raftsupersto re.co.uk/Chi ldrens_Craft s/Embellishm ents1/Craft_ Planet-CPT82 7906.html?ut m_source=Goo gle&utm_ medium=Shopp ing&utm_camp aign=Craft+S uperStore+Po lystyrene+Eg g+(6pcs)+Ass orted&gc lid=CLe2qcCb 4roCFUrJtAod OwcA8Q
16:48 Wed 13th Nov 2013
I googled polystyrene eggs and lots of things popped up such as
http:// www.cra ftsuper store.c o.uk/Ch ildrens _Crafts /Embell ishment s1/Craf t_Plane t-CPT82 7906.ht ml?utm_ source= Google& amp;utm _medium =Shoppi ng& utm_cam paign=C raft+Su perStor e+Polys tyrene+ Egg+(6p cs)+Ass orted&a mp;gcli d=CLe2q cCb4roC FUrJtAo dOwcA8Q
fun with plastic eggs......
http:// theimag ination tree.co m/2012/ 03/fun- with-pl astic-e ggs.htm l
see what you've started! :-)
see what you've started! :-)
Thank you all for your suggestions. I've ordered polystyrene eggs as suggested by EcclesCake, but if they don't arrive or are unsuitable, I can still go to Ab Editor's Next Homewares.
Isn't this a wonderful site? Answers for everything!
Isn't this a wonderful site? Answers for everything!
How about
http:// www.ama zon.co. uk/s/re f=nb_sb _ss_i_0 _10?url =search -alias% 3Daps&a mp;fiel d-keywo rds=cra ft%20eg gs& sprefix =craft+ eggs%2C aps%2C2 44& rh=i%3A aps%2Ck %3Acraf t%20egg s
If you don’t fancy blowing eggs yourself why not ask some older kids at the church to do them, my friends Beaver group did a load to decorate for Halloween and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
If you don’t fancy blowing eggs yourself why not ask some older kids at the church to do them, my friends Beaver group did a load to decorate for Halloween and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Hi Kettledrum. Wonder if you know of the "Scripture or Bible Cake" recipe? I used it in a children's talk at our church some years ago and the children loved looking up the bible verses to find the ingredient (winner of each got a chocolate!) I know yours isn't a talk just a "flower" arrangement but it might be a good idea to put the verses on bits of card and either hang them from the tree or prop them up alonside, the older children could help the little ones find them.
http:// www.dlt k-kids. com/rec ipes/ol d_scrip ture_ca ke.htm