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Well coketulip, the council actually took our property over as it turned out the original landlord had his HMO licence revoked. So the current landlord I spoke of is from the council. The years rent was around £3500 plus one months rent for a deposit. As it was the council that took us over half way through the year payments changed over to them, one of the other housemates just didn't ever pay them, the council landlord hasn't seemed to pick up on it (it's awkward I don't want to fall out with anybody but at the same time want my money back!)
I've been left to chase about people and do the dirty work! And as far as I know our deposits are in a protection scheme, how long are they kept for? Times slowly ticking away.. Also I don't have a full tenancy agreement just the front cover. The joys of being young and fooled into signing things we don't read read!