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tobyw | 13:20 Thu 27th Feb 2014 | Home & Garden
9 Answers
I took a leather jacket out of my wardrobe yesterday and it was mouldy. I hadn't worn it for a while. Is there anything I can do to treat/prevent mould.
I would welcome any advice.
Thanks in anticipation.


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Take the jacket out, give it a good wipe down and hang it in a dry place to dry off.

If the wardrobe is otherwise dry (no damp coming from the wall behind it?) then I'd suggest that you must have put it away damp. Happens to me often with shoes.
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thanks Boxtops. Was ok when I put it in. Wall could be a bit damp. Is there a paint you can apply to deal with the problem?
There are paints you can use to seal damp stains AFTER it has been treated.
A trick used in the high humidity of the tropics is to fit a low wattage lightbulb in the bottom of a wardrobe and leave it permanently on. This keeps it dried out. (Of course, this has to be done in a that you're not going to set anything in the wardrobe on fire!!)
If you can spray the wall with a 1/10 bleach solution that should kill the spores but wont solve the problem of where the damp is coming from
I usually use neat bleach but be warned it will strip any colour and you need to open the window
Put a tray of cat litter in the bottom of the wardrobe. This should work in the short term. In the meantime I'd look for the cause of the damp, it could also be condensation, leaving the doors open can prevent this.
If you think it is a bit damp in there you could try putting in one of these in the link. If there is any mould in there make sure you treat that first.
Also Toby .... fit some vents in the wardrobe to get some crossflow ventilation. One at the bottom (in the floor of the wardrobe if it's on legs), and one at the top.

Forcing air changes inside the wardrobe will remove water vapour and condensation which is causing the mould.
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thanks all

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