Grass Growing Between Paving Slabs in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Grass Growing Between Paving Slabs

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homedeeth | 16:07 Tue 15th Apr 2014 | Home & Garden
11 Answers
Any recommendations to get rid of grass between slabs?
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You can get a wee picker with a pointer end in B&Q - but much cheaper in Poundstretchers and rake it out.

Wouldn't that ^^ destroy the mortar?
Pathclear. Kills the stuff that is there and stops seed germinating, either that or a gas weed wand.
No, no, not weed killer. Please don't use dangerous chemicals that seep into the water table.
Much easier and cheaper and less dangerous is salt. Use the cheapest you can find. Pour boiling water over the cracks, and then gently pour salt on top.
Works really well.
The weedpicker is reliable and manually done - that's what we do.
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Cheapest way is salt. But it washes onto nearby flowerbeds, so only use it if you haven't got any other plants to worry about.
Sprinkle salt on them,or pour boiling water over them
Not tried this yet myself but will be doing (I have hedgehogs so can’t use anything noxious) a friend said cheap economy cola, spray/pour it on weeds when its sunny and they die!! Like I say will be trying it very soon.

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