Painting New Plaster in The AnswerBank: Interiors
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Painting New Plaster

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boxtops | 15:16 Sun 31st Aug 2014 | Interiors
13 Answers
Can you advise, please? We've got some new plasterwork which is now thoroughly dried out, and we're starting to emulsion it, the paint is taking well.

My neighbour has the same, but has primed her walls before painting. I've not heard of this before - is it really necessary?
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I painted straight onto the plaster and it's fine.
You should apply a thinned coat of contract matt, then a thinned coat of the finish paint followed by an unthinned coat of the finish paint.
A coat of PVA will help to seal the new plaster before applying emulsion.
You say the paint is taking well - that's just the trouble with bare plaster it soaks up the paint, leading to extravagant usage. But if you're happy with it, and it dries off OK, then fine. A lot depends on the composition/density of the final plaster coat.
Doesn't anyone size newly plastered walls any more?
A "mist" coat is all that's needed, Boxers. Same emulsion, but thinned down considerably to taste. Decorators all have their personal preferences for the amount of water. Dulux say 10%, but that's still way too thick for my liking. I usually go for 30 or even 40% water.

Two subsequent coats of neat paint to finish.
The bloke who plastered/skimmed my walls said I didn't have to.
Ummmm......... it all depends on the finish of the plaster. If it's over-trowelled so that you can see your face in it, then neat paint will just peel off like a skin. That's why a very thin coat is applied first.

Your chap possibly finished it sensibly, just enough trowelling to leave it porous enough to give a good "key".
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Thank you all, much appreciated.
When finished it was matt.
I have tried a PVA coat in the past but wasn't impressed. I do give new plaster a watered down coat first. Was told it was the done thing, never had an issue with it. Not experimented enough to know how much of an improvement it is, if any.
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Our plaster's certainly not shiny as TB mentions - the sample I've tried so far is adhering well :-)
I also painted my kitchen onto newly plastered walls. Not a problem at all.

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