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This from the water company's website
//What is rateable value and how is it calculated?
The District Valuer on behalf of the Inland Revenue originally assessed rateable values. They were based on the size of the property, the number of rooms inside the property, the amenities available and the overall location.
No new rateable values have been set since March 1990 following the introduction of the Poll Tax; alterations to existing rateable values are not possible. Water Companies are still legally entitled to use this basis of charge. We are unable to use council tax banding as a basis of charge. //
I live in the same post code area as my mum .
I'm looking at our respective water bills and noticed that her charges is based on a higher ' rateable value ' ( which they use to calculate the bill )
than mine .
Same type of dwelling /same size / same number and type or rooms
That does not appear correct - does it ?