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dembee | 13:27 Fri 16th Sep 2005 | Home & Garden
15 Answers
I have just got a new flat which has a fireplace with an open grate. Has anyone any ideas of what I could put in the grate to make it look interesting. (It isnt possible to actually light a fire in it)


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depends what your decorating style is..but here are some ideas

a few of those huge water rounded stones from a garden centre., a plant, easternish sculpture like a shrine, some white driftwood, at christmas a basket of pine cones and baubles (Cheesy but fun), a heap of fairy lights. We did this successfully one christmas when we had a gaping hole in the wall we got one of those plastic ropelights and piled it in the hole, very minimalist and chic, a display of candles

Whatever you choose, the most important thing is to keep it looking clean, dusted and fresh looking

mrs rampart sometimes uses a small rack of little candles.

I suppose if you wanted to be more extravagant you could get a small tv screen linked up to a dvd player with one of these:

but then again...maybe not

When you say "a new flat", do you mean newly-built or just 'new' to you? I know you say it isn't possible to light a fire in it, but I wonder why. Could the chimney - if it exists - be made functional again? I ask because an open fire is one of the most marvellous comforts - not just for its heat, but also just for its drowsy, dreamlike effects - a living-room can have. Unless you know it to be utterly impossible, I should investigate reopening it.
In the summer I have an art deco firescreen in front of the fireplace.Lovely coloured glass which sparkles in the sunlight.
But the winter I light the fire in the evenings.
You can't beat an open fire.If there is an existing functional chimney you may need to have it swept first.Well they don't sweep these days ..they use a vacuum thingy.Gone are the days when they sent boys up chimneys!!
If you can't open it up a lovely firescreen looks nice or a tall plant stood in the hearth along with fireirons and a coal bucket to make it look authentic.A log basket perhaps?
P.S. I also have one of these in front of my fireplace.
My dog won't allow the real thing!!
Well said Quiz/M i`m in the process of converting mine back YUlWR
That is a lovely fireplace teash.....similar to ours but we don't have the tiles which is a shame. In fact it is so chilly here tonight we have had our fire lit this evening. I am even considering buying a toasting fork!!
Thanks very much shaneystar, you wouldn`t belive the price that I give for the whole unit (cheap as deep fried potatoes). As mentioned earlier there`s nothing better than the glow of a natural fire, as for the toasting fork its a must . BTW you`ve made me hungry now LOL
On the down side I have had to clean ours out this morning and in the cold light of day it's a messy job! How the Victorians managed with all their coal fires is beyond me..but then they probably had a maid to do the work.I think a mob cap and apron may be called for.
I think people nowadays make far too much of the "messy business" of cleaning out and relaying a coal fire. It takes about 8 minutes to do it properly, leaving the hearth clean and rarin'-to'go when next needed. No problem...and certainly well worth it once lit and glowing.
i have logs with pine cones and gold candles in both my fireplaces. looks lovely in the winter escpecially when the candles are lit
I know QM ...but it takes longer for old arthritic gals like me!!!

What about a dried flower arrangement?

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Thanks everyone.  I would love an open fire but the fireplace is just focal point, is on an inside wall and has no chimney or flue.  Driftwood and candles are very appealing.  Knew I could rely on AB

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