Music1 min ago
Quizzes & Puzzles Round Up August 2015
15 Answers
Dear All,
Here is the August edition of Quizzes and Puzzles round up. If you have a new charity quiz feel free to add it to the thread and we will include it in later editions.
Please remember it is vital that you add contact details ie email or postal address, the closing date, the cost, where the quiz funds will be going and the theme of the quiz,thanks.
If you have already added it to AB you can just post the link to the question.
Please could you post one quiz per answer to avoid confusion, thank you.
Could anyone who asks for help on questions from these or any other charity quizzes on The AnswerBank please post the quiz name and the closing date in your question title so that other users can decide whether or not they would like to answer. Thank you.
Happy Quizzing!
1. Flowers or Plants Quiz 26 questions, in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, closing date 12th August, 2015.
2. New Quiz Is there a doctor in the house? Raising money for Water Aid, closing date 15th August, 2015.
3. It's about time Quiz 70 (mostly cryptic ) clues with all answers relating to time, for Children of Fiji, closing date 23rd August, 2015.
4. GK Quiz 70 clues, in aid of The Ileostomy and Internal Pouch Support Group. Registered Charity No. 1038320, closing date 29th August, 2015.
5. Saturday Night at the Movies Quiz 60 varied clues, in aid of Cats Protection (Moray Branch), closing date 31st August, 2015.
6. Scottish Islands Quiz, 25 questions - straigth, slightly cryptic and anagrams, for St Columba, closing date 5th September, 2015.
7. New Quiz, Friockheim BC new B R quiz, closing date 5th September, 2015.
8. Summer Quiz, 50 varied clues, in aid of SAVE THE CHILDREN, HIGHAM FERRERS, closing date 10th September, 2015.
9. Summer Quiz, 60 mixed questions, in aid of The Romanian Aid Foundation, closing date 12th September, 2015.
10. New Quiz, 99 varied clues, in aid of CREDITON LIONS, closing date 14th September, 2015.
11. On The Farm Quiz, in aid of The RAP Foundation, closing date 15th September, 2015.
12. New Quiz, General knowledge quiz, in aid of The Compassionate Friends, closing date 30th September, 2015.
13. Lovely Lepidoptera Quiz, 60 clues about butterflies and moths, in aid of NEW RADCLIFFE ANIMAL SHELTER, closing date 30th September, 2015.
14. Creatures No 7 Quiz, 30 animal related clues, in aid of NEW RADCLIFFE ANIMAL SHELTER, closing date 30th September, 2015.
15. New Summer Quiz, 100 cryptic clues with answers giving names of musicals, in aid of St James Church Spilsby, closing date 30th September, 2015.
16. Find The Lady Quiz, 40 clues to female names, in aid of Chatteris Community Group, closing date 30th September, 2015.
17. A Proper Charlie Quiz, 50 mixed clues all leading to an answer that includes variations on Charles, Charlotte, Chas, in aid of Eden Breast Care Unit, closing date 30th September, 2015.
18. United States of America Quiz, 49 clues, in aid of St Oswald's Crowle, closing date 30th September, 2015.
19. New Quiz, 100 assorted questions - How Does Your Garden Grow quiz, in aid of the Agincourt 600th anniversary celebrations in Erpingham, Norfolk, closing date 10th October, 2015.
20. Nursery Rhyme Characters Quiz, 30 questions with a clue to the character, in aid of Nairn Hydrotherapy Pool, closing date 20th October, 2015.
21. Weather Songs Quiz, 30 Song Titles - all answers weather related, in aid of Treetops Hospice (Regd Charity No. 519540), closing date 23rd October, 2015.
22. Blesma Quiz, all answers are place names in Great Britain, additional info here, in aid of Blesma (formerly known as British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association), closing date 31st October, 2015.
23. New Quiz, 75 varied clues, in aid of the Friends of Rufford Old Hall, closing date 31st October, 2015.
24. Gemstones And Adornments Quiz, 50 clues, in aid of Supporters of Southgates Medical (SOSMC), closing date 11th December, 2015.
25. New Quiz no 10, 60 varied clues, update here, in aid of Buxton Mountain Rescue Team, closing date 31st December, 2015.
Here is the August edition of Quizzes and Puzzles round up. If you have a new charity quiz feel free to add it to the thread and we will include it in later editions.
Please remember it is vital that you add contact details ie email or postal address, the closing date, the cost, where the quiz funds will be going and the theme of the quiz,thanks.
If you have already added it to AB you can just post the link to the question.
Please could you post one quiz per answer to avoid confusion, thank you.
Could anyone who asks for help on questions from these or any other charity quizzes on The AnswerBank please post the quiz name and the closing date in your question title so that other users can decide whether or not they would like to answer. Thank you.
Happy Quizzing!
1. Flowers or Plants Quiz 26 questions, in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, closing date 12th August, 2015.
2. New Quiz Is there a doctor in the house? Raising money for Water Aid, closing date 15th August, 2015.
3. It's about time Quiz 70 (mostly cryptic ) clues with all answers relating to time, for Children of Fiji, closing date 23rd August, 2015.
4. GK Quiz 70 clues, in aid of The Ileostomy and Internal Pouch Support Group. Registered Charity No. 1038320, closing date 29th August, 2015.
5. Saturday Night at the Movies Quiz 60 varied clues, in aid of Cats Protection (Moray Branch), closing date 31st August, 2015.
6. Scottish Islands Quiz, 25 questions - straigth, slightly cryptic and anagrams, for St Columba, closing date 5th September, 2015.
7. New Quiz, Friockheim BC new B R quiz, closing date 5th September, 2015.
8. Summer Quiz, 50 varied clues, in aid of SAVE THE CHILDREN, HIGHAM FERRERS, closing date 10th September, 2015.
9. Summer Quiz, 60 mixed questions, in aid of The Romanian Aid Foundation, closing date 12th September, 2015.
10. New Quiz, 99 varied clues, in aid of CREDITON LIONS, closing date 14th September, 2015.
11. On The Farm Quiz, in aid of The RAP Foundation, closing date 15th September, 2015.
12. New Quiz, General knowledge quiz, in aid of The Compassionate Friends, closing date 30th September, 2015.
13. Lovely Lepidoptera Quiz, 60 clues about butterflies and moths, in aid of NEW RADCLIFFE ANIMAL SHELTER, closing date 30th September, 2015.
14. Creatures No 7 Quiz, 30 animal related clues, in aid of NEW RADCLIFFE ANIMAL SHELTER, closing date 30th September, 2015.
15. New Summer Quiz, 100 cryptic clues with answers giving names of musicals, in aid of St James Church Spilsby, closing date 30th September, 2015.
16. Find The Lady Quiz, 40 clues to female names, in aid of Chatteris Community Group, closing date 30th September, 2015.
17. A Proper Charlie Quiz, 50 mixed clues all leading to an answer that includes variations on Charles, Charlotte, Chas, in aid of Eden Breast Care Unit, closing date 30th September, 2015.
18. United States of America Quiz, 49 clues, in aid of St Oswald's Crowle, closing date 30th September, 2015.
19. New Quiz, 100 assorted questions - How Does Your Garden Grow quiz, in aid of the Agincourt 600th anniversary celebrations in Erpingham, Norfolk, closing date 10th October, 2015.
20. Nursery Rhyme Characters Quiz, 30 questions with a clue to the character, in aid of Nairn Hydrotherapy Pool, closing date 20th October, 2015.
21. Weather Songs Quiz, 30 Song Titles - all answers weather related, in aid of Treetops Hospice (Regd Charity No. 519540), closing date 23rd October, 2015.
22. Blesma Quiz, all answers are place names in Great Britain, additional info here, in aid of Blesma (formerly known as British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association), closing date 31st October, 2015.
23. New Quiz, 75 varied clues, in aid of the Friends of Rufford Old Hall, closing date 31st October, 2015.
24. Gemstones And Adornments Quiz, 50 clues, in aid of Supporters of Southgates Medical (SOSMC), closing date 11th December, 2015.
25. New Quiz no 10, 60 varied clues, update here, in aid of Buxton Mountain Rescue Team, closing date 31st December, 2015.
A big thank you to all who took part in the Flowers or Plants quiz in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. We had 92 quizzes returned for marking and out of those 8 had all correct answers. A draw took place to establish the Winner and the person's name drawn from these, was Mrs. K. Light from Rushden, Northants. The amount raised for this quiz was £167.00. A new quiz is...
09:03 Wed 19th Aug 2015
New quiz in aid of Pets As Therapy charity. 29 cryptic clues on breeds of dogs with question 30 relating to PAT. Price £1 with two prizes of £10 and £5. Closing date is 30 September 2015. Please email [email protected] if you would like to receive a copy (pay on return)
Rushden Childrens Society Autumn Quiz 'Pen and Ink' is now available. Three Prizes of £10. Closing Date 31st December. Entry forms £1 available from John Holloway, 51 Fern Road, Rushden, Northants. NN10 6AU. Cheques payable to 'Childrens Society' and please enclose a stamped addressed envelope for your quiz. Postal entries only.
A mix of anagrams and summer related questions, organised by and raising funds for Honiton Library Friends Group. Send an email to [email protected] and we will send you a copy. Pay on return, £1 cash (no cheques please). Cash prizes. Closing date: 14/9/15
Musical Instruments Quiz available in aid of 6th Chatteris Brownies.
Please send SAE & £1 (cheques payable to 6th Chatteris Brownies) or cash secured to:
Mrs Ann Smith, 87 London Road, Chatteris, Cambs., PE16 6LW.
30 cryptic questions. Prize £10. Closing date 30 September 2015
Now also available by email (and pay on return) from [email protected]
Please send SAE & £1 (cheques payable to 6th Chatteris Brownies) or cash secured to:
Mrs Ann Smith, 87 London Road, Chatteris, Cambs., PE16 6LW.
30 cryptic questions. Prize £10. Closing date 30 September 2015
Now also available by email (and pay on return) from [email protected]
New Quiz. Characters in Musicals. The Gladstone Court Knit & Natter Perth require funding for their charity projects. Quiz cost 50p, closing date 8th Oct 2015. 25 questions. Postal address, Kate Clark, 8a Myrtle Rd, Scone. PH2 6QY. Email me for copy at [email protected] Prize £10 Co-oP voucher. Pay on return of quiz.
New quiz available from the 14th August called " Plant World" in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. 30 questions. Closing date for the quiz is 30th September 2015. 50p or a donation. Available by e-mail or post. If sending by post, please make sure that the coin is sealed down well or a cheque is also acceptable, made out to Macmillan Cancer Support. E-mail: [email protected]. Jeanette Gibson, 7, Cairns Park, New Alyth, Perthshire. PH11 8PA
In case anyone hasn't seen it here is an update from Charityboob about the fruit and veg quiz:
Fruit And Veg Quiz Up Date
If anyone hasn't as yet received the Answers to the Tube Quiz
or their request for the FRUIT AND VEG QUIZ,
ALSO PLEASE NOTE THAT THE CLOSING DATE IS NOW THE 16TH OF sEPTEMBER 2015. This is due to my ill health which, seems to have been resolved following a complete MOT.
http:// www.the answerb uk/Quiz zes-and -Puzzle s/Quest ion1438 024.htm l
auntie xxx
Fruit And Veg Quiz Up Date
If anyone hasn't as yet received the Answers to the Tube Quiz
or their request for the FRUIT AND VEG QUIZ,
ALSO PLEASE NOTE THAT THE CLOSING DATE IS NOW THE 16TH OF sEPTEMBER 2015. This is due to my ill health which, seems to have been resolved following a complete MOT.
auntie xxx
New quiz available. Cut off date 17th October 2015
Should you require a copy please send your donation (£1min) and SAE to Diane Wakeling 3 Lark Rise, Hardwick, Cambs CB23 7XZ or pay (£2 min) via http:// www.jus tgiving .com/Di ane-Wak eling1/ and request your copy via email from [email protected]
We have raised over £7,500 for MAGPAS in recent years for which they are very grateful. Thank you for your support
New quiz available. Cut off date 17th October 2015
Should you require a copy please send your donation (£1min) and SAE to Diane Wakeling 3 Lark Rise, Hardwick, Cambs CB23 7XZ or pay (£2 min) via http://
We have raised over £7,500 for MAGPAS in recent years for which they are very grateful. Thank you for your support
What’s in a name? Raising money for Water Aid.
Transforming lives by improving access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation. There are 2 parts to each answer separated by a /. The first part is the name that the person is usually known by, the second part is the birth name or former name of that person. The answers may be people who are real or fictitious. 9 photos and 51 written questions.
Quiz sheets are a suggested minimum donation of £1.00. Cheques payable to S. Eastman please. There will be a prize of £10 for the person with the most right answers. There will also be a draw from all entries returned for a prize of £5. Quiz sheets available from Shirley Eastman, 48, Rosemead Drive, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 5SF(SAE and donation please) or by e mail from [email protected] (payment with entry) Closing date 14th November 2015.
Transforming lives by improving access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation. There are 2 parts to each answer separated by a /. The first part is the name that the person is usually known by, the second part is the birth name or former name of that person. The answers may be people who are real or fictitious. 9 photos and 51 written questions.
Quiz sheets are a suggested minimum donation of £1.00. Cheques payable to S. Eastman please. There will be a prize of £10 for the person with the most right answers. There will also be a draw from all entries returned for a prize of £5. Quiz sheets available from Shirley Eastman, 48, Rosemead Drive, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 5SF(SAE and donation please) or by e mail from [email protected] (payment with entry) Closing date 14th November 2015.
A new quiz is available to raise funds for Sibsey Bowls Club.
90 questions - anagrams, cryptic, dingbats and more.
Closing date 30th November 2015. Cost £1. Available from:
Mrs W King,
Leagate Road,
Antons Gowt,
Lincs. PE22 7BN
Please make cheques payable to W King.
Alternatively email [email protected]. I will email a copy and you can pay on return. Thanks
90 questions - anagrams, cryptic, dingbats and more.
Closing date 30th November 2015. Cost £1. Available from:
Mrs W King,
Leagate Road,
Antons Gowt,
Lincs. PE22 7BN
Please make cheques payable to W King.
Alternatively email [email protected]. I will email a copy and you can pay on return. Thanks
A big thank you to all who took part in the Flowers or Plants quiz in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. We had 92 quizzes returned for marking and out of those 8 had all correct answers. A draw took place to establish the Winner and the person's name drawn from these, was Mrs. K. Light from Rushden, Northants. The amount raised for this quiz was £167.00. A new quiz is now available called Plant World. " Go on give it a try, it's a good cause" .
The new Pink Quiz 2015 raising funds for Breast Cancer Research at Lincoln Hospital, is entitled "Relatively Speaking" and is now available from:
J. & M. King,
10 Abbey Road,
LN3 5XA.
Price £1 + s.a.e. Cheques payable to Breast Research L171.
£10 prize for the winner. Closing date:- 31st January, 2016.
Sorry, but this quiz is not available by email.
J. & M. King,
10 Abbey Road,
LN3 5XA.
Price £1 + s.a.e. Cheques payable to Breast Research L171.
£10 prize for the winner. Closing date:- 31st January, 2016.
Sorry, but this quiz is not available by email.
Shelterbox Charity Cryptic Quiz With £100 In Prizes
Raising money for this fantastic charity, the theme is Television. First prize £50, second prize £25, third prize £15 with a random £10 prize drawn from all entrants. Sponsors Barclays Bank PLC and supported by Rotary Club of Tiverton. Minimum donation £1. Closing date 31st October. Go to and click on 'What we do'.
09:08 Fri 28th Aug 2015
http:// www.rot ary-rib lubs/pa ge.php? PgID=54 0463&am p;ClubI D=1226
Shelterbox Charity Cryptic Quiz With £100 In Prizes
Raising money for this fantastic charity, the theme is Television. First prize £50, second prize £25, third prize £15 with a random £10 prize drawn from all entrants. Sponsors Barclays Bank PLC and supported by Rotary Club of Tiverton. Minimum donation £1. Closing date 31st October. Go to and click on 'What we do'.
09:08 Fri 28th Aug 2015