Dm in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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JaneyJimJams | 13:51 Fri 02nd Oct 2015 | Crosswords
12 Answers
Help! Completed crossword - but obviously gone wrong as it isn't posting. Can anyone confirm or correct:

8d Very slippery character guards extremely sumptuous ship xExSxL
I thought this was Vessel ....... guess it could be weasel?

2d tree problem causes the middle to decay
I thought this was Dutch Elm Disease

27a During walk in st James park area team jaw MxXxLxA
I've gone with MAXILLA - but I can't parse this at all (sort is assumed it's football related, and it fits the jaw clue)

Honestly - I'm feeling such a 12d DUNCE ;)

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8d V-e-ss-el
27a.Yes - xi(team)inside Mall + a
sorry 8d. No, Vessle
2 yes
27 yes
Ignore mu last post.Senior moment.Can't see why your entry is not accepted.
You must have a typo in some other solution.
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Thanks Dannyk13 and Captain2
I just can't see my mistake and it's driving me crazy (I completed it at 8.30 this am -- and have been trying to see my error ever since!)! I've got the following:
15d truss
5d small beer
29d moped
18d regalia
14d petit four
12a double takes
I think they parse fine - but somethings wrong somewhere :(
All look OK to me,They are what I have.
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Thanks MargTester too
Danny13 - thanks again - I did realise that vessle was a typo;)
Anywhere else you may have a typo?
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Maybe it's a technical problem - perhaps my iPad went into shock 'cause I've never completed it so early!!
For the sake of my sanity, I'm giving up!!! But I'll check it at midnight and update this thread with the solution to my problem. I'm sure this won't be keeping you guys up ......... but just in case your interested!

Btw - just a general 'thank you' to you all .......it's great knowing you're there (I started doing these a few weeks ago - and I'd be soooooo frustrated without your help!!)
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YIPPPPPEEEEEE - got it!!! My ignorance ...... But let's call it a typo ;)
-- it's harEm (not harUm)

Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh - I can relax now

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