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What Do You Think Of The Survey On The Current Home Page?

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Colmc54 | 14:30 Wed 21st Oct 2015 | Editor's Blog
19 Answers
We are asked which 'colour of car brings bad luck?' We are then given a choice of colours. Surely there should be a choice option for those who believe that the colour of a car has nothing to do with bad luck.


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agree - its idiotic to say the least.
Surely it's not as "crass" as ..."What are you asking Father Christmas for this year"

FGS it's only October.
Bordering on the infantile...The popular choice of green while insurance stats. clearly show that black cars have a higher accident rate demonstrates something. Of course the kind of 'bad luck' wasn't specified..which would be much more amusing.
Colmc - it's just a bit of fun, we're only interested in those willing to play along. Do you expect there to always be a "don't know/don't care" option on a survey? It's not how they usually work (unless you care about the number of people who don't know or care, obviously).

Sqad - You're very hard to buy for, so we have to get started early.

Jomifl - Where are your stats from? Would be a good addition to the thread (if you haven't already supplied it).
I started my christmas shopping in June. I don't deliberately go looking but if you see something and think oh so and so would love that then, by me, its silly not to buy it.
If a survey is asking about 'bad luck' then there should be button choice of 'I'm not superstitious' . Its like doing a survey of religion and not putting an Atheist choice in there.
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Surely it's an optional poll?
If you don't believe that any particular colour is bad luck, then you refrain from answering...
I don't drive but chose the colour I did on the basis that anyone with a car of that colour must have ended up with the last one in the shop, so I say "Oh, bad luck!"
"If a survey is asking about 'bad luck' then there should be button choice of 'I'm not superstitious' . Its like doing a survey of religion and not putting an Atheist choice in there."

No, it's not :)

We're making some assumptions here and asking a pretty innocuous question, not doing a census!

I have an empty house if anyone needs to start an argument.

Ah! but you forget oh great one -there are a lot of professional pedants on AB ;-)
It wouldn't be empty for long, Douglas..... x ......☺
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AB editor. Thanks for the explanation.

Online surveys however do attract the attention of people outside of our ranks. Whether it's a lazy reporter surfing the web looking for a story, or even in this case someone in the motor trade with an interest in finding out which colour of car is most or least likely to be sold.
I think the poll is a complete waste of time. It's even questionable as to how accurate the results have been recorded. I am Not sure whether Stat C is really Pink or Black because the 'block graph' is different to the printed information.

Also you can vote numerous times
Interesting, it only lets me vote once.
I think that perhaps the Ed has moved very quickly because the block graph now tallies with the printed stats and you can only vote once.
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The best answer would be 'any colour if it's a VW!'

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