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Tom Cat With Bad Habits

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annieigma | 17:59 Thu 17th Dec 2015 | Pets
4 Answers
I have a 6 month old tom cat. I now have to restrict him to the hall way and keep all the doors to the rooms in the house closed because if he gets into the house he runs around spraying a terrible smell that takes weeks to eliminate, and other times he will rush past me if i open the door slightly and run under my desk and wee all over the carpet etc.
I have booked him in to have him neutered, will this solve the problem do you think?
thank you


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It probably will solve the problem. When are you getting him 'done'.
Here is a link to a reliable site, it doesn't cover your problem but it's a start
As well as getting him neutered, you will have to clean the house really thoroughly with a specialist cleaner for removing the odour of urine, otherwise he will just go back to where he peed before.
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To continue,
Cat still the same, we thought he was a changed person, sitting on granddaughters lap, being friendly for several nights, then He suddenly bit her, jumped onto the leather settee and started weeing. she grabbed him and carried him out, still weeing. So, this cat is never going to change, He will have to go, as it is not fair on Him to be restricted to the downstairs lobby where his bed is and where he is fed.( He has a cat flap and goes and comes when he feels like it). He will fight anyone or other animal, cat or dog, he has no fear, just very protective of his domain. What Can i do with him????

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