Wallpaper Samples in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Wallpaper Samples

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silliemillie | 21:25 Wed 03rd Feb 2016 | Home & Garden
16 Answers

Really in a quandary as to which wallpaper to do my bedroom in.

My son says it's ok to go to B&Q or Homebase and just rip a couple of feet off their open rolls and just walk out with them.

Really uneasy about doing this, will I get in trouble? He says everyone does this, that why the rolls are open, but I'm not sure.

What do you guys do/think?
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You must have a very small room is a couple of feet of paper will cover it, Sillie!
Yes, they have 1 open roll in each for customers to take a sample. Usually rip about a foot off to get a good idea.
If there isn't one ask a member of staff.
I would ask for a sample and I'm sure they would cut you off a piece
yes its fine to do this. If there isn’t a roll open, ask for one to be opened.
I came home from The Range on Sunday with half a dozen samples that I'd ripped from the roll. Loads of rolls open for people to help themselves.
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Thanks all, I did think of asking someone but our B&Q doesn't even have anyone on the tills (mostly self service) and very few on the shop floor.

Was just woried I would be stopped for shop lifting on the way out.
Definitely just take a couple of feet off the roll. That's why it's there.
I remember a documentary about a couple who were scrimping and saving to decorate their house. The man used to go to B&Q and take a few feet off the open roll every day to paper his kitchen. His wife wasn't happy:) it wasn't a great job.
Not bought wallpaper for a while but I'd not even dream of just grabbing and taking unless I'd permission from the staff or there was a sign there saying it was ok. Sounds very antisocial at best otherwise.
Open rolls are for taking samples
When you buy make sure u get rolls with same batch numbers on
OG, they leave a roll open of each kind on purpose. I would ask if there was no open roll.
I always thought an open roll of wallpaper was just to see the pattern. I never thought it was for samples.
Me too, Elina. Never seen a sign saying take some for free.
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OG- it's not really wallpaper for free, I wasn't planning on taking enough to actually do anything with.

Well, I did it! Took a couple of samples, on the way out I saw a member of staff and asked if it was OK to take these samples and she said yes. So feeling better now.
It's normal that's why rolls are open
They have open rolls specifically for this If you feel uncomfortable, ask one of the lovely staff members to cut some for you. We came out with about six different ones, no problem at all...

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