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Every Cloud I Suppose..... :-(

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gness | 16:01 Sat 09th Jul 2016 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Positive thinking now, Gness!

The bottom corner of my garden is under the shade of next door's huge...really huge I planted it for shade and I love sun reaches's just dark, toady and froggy.....

Chatting to the tree owner today she tells me she's giving it the chop.....the lot..... :-(

So.....the silver lining will be that I am getting the trunk and branches....

May plant the trunk and stick my big birthday brolly on it......☺


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Gness, talking about clouds and silver linings, there's another adage: Let a smile be your umbrella, and you'll get a mouthful of rain:)
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I will mull that over, Stuey.......x
Here is the optimistic version:"Whenever skies are gray don't worry or fret;
A smile will bring us sunshine and you'll never get wet.
So let a smile be your umbrella,
On a rainy, rainy day."
Gness . I'm sure you can create some kind of shady arboretum out of a trunk and a few branches. Save the frogs and bogs, I say!

Let's have a referendum. Frogs and bogs in, frogs and bogs out!
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Stuey,......if you think I'm going to stand staring at the sky and smiling....think again.... :-)

Oh Lord, Tilly....isn't the aftermath of the last one not enough for you!....x
Don't look at it as the loss of a tree, look at it as an opportunity to use some of your craft skills gness.

Anyhoo if you ask her nicely she may let you give it the chop, get that chain saw out of the shed ;-)
Actually, yes. Cancel the referendum.
Not being sizeist or anything like that but you could make an elf leprechaun house out of the stump.
Wow. I like that, Yont. Lovely!
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Ooooo you have given me ideas, Tony.....shall forgive you for the post about size!.....xx
That there's Enid Blyton's house, right?
Yes, stuey. Noddy lives in it now.
Is that house anywhere close to where the teddy bears' have their picknick?
Teddy bears.
I didn't know that Noddy Holder lived in the Walsall/Brummie area.
Born in Caldmore, Walsall and then the family moved onto the Beechdale estate between Walsall and Bloxwich, DT. Somewhere in Cheshire now I believe.

Is that house anywhere close to where the teddy bears' have their picknick?

stuey you'll have to go down to the woods to see if today's the day.
OK, Tony; I'll be crossing the field soon, so I'll just duck into the woods and take a gander.
Careful of what you might find, stuey out there in the colonies ;-)
Just a minute, hold on: That's my field, and that's my beer, but it aint my bear!

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Every Cloud I Suppose..... :-(

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