Music1 min ago
Everlasting Sweet Peas
2 Answers
Do you chop them down after they finish flowering? I'm trying to grow overhead 'rails' of plants in my small courtyard garden with vines, roses, jasmine, clematis etc to give it natural shade, running from one side wall to another.
I know they have no scent but they look pretty and are easy to grow.
I know they have no scent but they look pretty and are easy to grow.
Irrespective of the exact variety, the RHS website says "cut back to ground level in autumn". https:// www. rhs. org. uk/ Plants/ 9853/ i- Lathyrus- latifolius- i/ Details https:// www. rhs. org. uk/ Plants/ 99223/ Lathyrus- latifolius- White- Pearl/ Details https:// www. rhs. org. uk/ Plants/ 116266/ Lathyrus- latifolius- Rosa- Perle/ Details...
16:37 Wed 17th Aug 2016
Irrespective of the exact variety, the RHS website says "cut back to ground level in autumn".
https:/ /www.rh k/Plant s/9853/ i-Lathy rus-lat ifolius -i/Deta ils
https:/ /www.rh k/Plant s/99223 /Lathyr us-lati folius- White-P earl/De tails
https:/ /www.rh k/Plant s/11626 6/Lathy rus-lat ifolius -Rosa-P erle/De tails
Further advice on growing them, from The Telegraph:
http:// egraph. ardenin g/howto grow/33 03338/H ow-to-g row-the -everla sting-p ea.html
Further advice on growing them, from The Telegraph: