I have a corner of my living room that is like spaghetti junction with wires and a 4 gang socket that I'm trying to hide I can't have a cuboard there to hide the mess behind it, it won't work, as I have my TV on the wall and a unit below it which holds the tivo box and the router, need some easy inexpensive ideas if possible.
How about a curtain, small one, of course, hung from a towel rail that's fixed to the wall? The curtain need only be a piece of fabric, not a properly-made curtain.
Or: a sheet of plaster board, or some rigid material, that's painted or papered to match the existing wall?
Get hold of some plastic vacuum cleaner hose (or something similar). Slit it up one side and run all the cables inside it. Keeps them together and if the hose is wide enough, you can loop any excess wiring inside it too.