Ceramic Hob....help! in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Ceramic Hob....help!

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dunnitall | 08:34 Fri 27th Jan 2017 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Oh dear, can anyone help please? Have got some melted plastic on one of the 'rings', didn't realise until I saw the little plastic tray melting on it. Scraped off what I could but it's now hardened on to it and I've used a scaper and a Brillo pad but residue still stuck on. Any advice please and no I don't want to buy a new cooker yet lol....ta muchly.
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Turn it on full and let it burn the plastic off, then scrape off the carbon.
If you can avoid sticking it in your thumb or fingers, a razor blade or Stanley knife blade might part the melt from the ceramic.
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Thanks guys will be trying them out later....wish me luck lol.
I'm sure some of the above will help, Dunnitall.....but if not look at having it cleaned professionally.......I'm sure they'll have ways of doing it.....x
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Thanks gness. I have removed most of it now as I found one of those blade scrapers for paint on windows etc and I also sprayed WD 40 on the area and left it before giving it some welly! It seems to have got the worst of it off as in the lumps....will see later if when I heat that ring up if any smoke appears lol. Let's hope not.

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