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Home Safes - Good Idea Or Not?

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DarceyK123 | 17:47 Sun 27th May 2018 | Home & Garden
21 Answers
After me telling you my friend keeps quite abit of money in a home safe.

But I've been thinking it that really better than hiding it somewhere?
Anyone wanting to steal from you would just take the safe wouldn't they? Isn't it just a red flag to say "here is my money and valuables"?

Suppose they are harder to get into but Argos do them for about £50, so guessing if the thief took them home they wouldn't be too hard to get into with a few tools?

Any thoughts? It's been bugging me for a while now. (Sad I know!)


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For insurance purposes any safe weighing less than one tonne should be bolted down. So many small domestic safes are loose or tiny screws into chipboard, burglars just carry them away. Gripfill on two or three sides helps.
There are safes whose primary function is to protect from fire, then safes which protect from basic force attacks. Then there are decent quality security safes which also have fire test certificates. These obviously cost more but a good safe will last for many decades and keep well equipped burglars out for hours. Go to the MLA site to find local approved company and get professional advice. There are so many unscrupulous or uninformed sellers on the internet making wild claims.

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Home Safes - Good Idea Or Not?

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