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Oh My God!!!!!

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Caran | 00:35 Thu 11th Apr 2019 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
OH has just done a G & T for us before bed. He has just picked his glass up from the coffee table and a slug appeared on his finger. We have no idea where it came from. It is about 2.5" long, quite thin but very alert.
The glasses were in a cupboard. The tonics in the fridge.
My nerves are shot, I keep looking round to see if there are any more!


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If there is one.............
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Awww poor wee beastie, put him safe outside x
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I can't stop looking to see if there are any more around!
Keep your socks on, Caran......I once walked, barefooted and in the dark on some flagstone flooring. I trod on a slug and it concertinad up between my toes.....was a devil to scrape out..... :-(
I've often found slugs in the conservatory, or even the kitchen, going for the cat food. The only obvious point of entry is the cat-flap. And for that you need to be chipped and the flap programmed to recognise it. I have to assume that one of my six cats has sold out to a foreign power.
Stilettos are good, you can get four on each heel.
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Gness what have you done to me? My nerves are shot, now I can't put my feet on the floor!
Well you have a choice, Mamya says put on some stilletos.......or feet up on the sofa and let Mr Caran feed you enough G&T so you don't care.... ;-)
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The last bit sounds a great idea gness, I hope he takes note.
Hmmmm, slow news day.

Well, sluggish anyway.
We have a floating floor on a 1876 property. Quite frequently I see trail marks upon the carpet in the morning. Occasionally I catch one of the little blighters and relocate it outside. The won’t hurt you unless you eat one, or your pet has a chew at one.
Often find slugs inside no biggie
Caran, there's nothing good to say about a slug and their insides is there. Once, pouring the last lager in the fridge for my husband, a spider rose to the top on the head of it. The lager got spilt ;0)
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So whats the problem? Its only a slug. I hope you relocated it outside, even if it ends up as a meal for the hedgehogs.They love slugs for supper!
No offence to Caran but a slight over reaction - to say your nerves are shot!
I can understand it. I hate slugs. I used to get my milk delivered and they'd always be a slug on the bottle. I used to make the kids clean the bottles before they were brought in.

They make me cringe.
poor thing was just looking for his girlfriend Mitchell (me shell) x

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Oh My God!!!!!

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