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Socket Behind Radiators

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jesmond | 13:32 Fri 14th Feb 2020 | Home & Garden
8 Answers
Nieces newish house has sockets behind all her radiators not the kind you plug things into tho but neither of us have ever known why they are there so if anyone knows we would really appreciate it, tia


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Could it be where night storage heaters used to be plugged in? Has central heating recently been installed?
Probably old fused spur connection units for economy 7 storage heaters. You will probably find she has 2 fuse boards. 1 will now be redundant as she has gas central heating
Are you sure they're not where the flexible plastic pipes for the radiator come thru the wall? Our house (approx 15 years old) has these.
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Defo not for night storage heaters, she said house was built 2007/8
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Seem to look like those Zacs master but cant get a full look at them and yes looks like where the water enters the radiator
Probably these... (Hep2O)

Or possibly Speedfit, same thing.

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Socket Behind Radiators

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