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Which Household ‘Chore’ Do You Hate The Most??

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Smowball | 19:46 Fri 21st Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
For me it’s changing the bedding - no question!! I loathe changing the duvet covers. Would rather clean the loo lol! What about you all??


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The one I'm doing at any given moment.
that's why there is a Mrs TTT!
doovie-dell is OK
not keen on scrubbing the bog - but being 70 and able to learn new things, I am giving it a quick scrubbette every time I go
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Oooh TTT!
Yes re the loo - it’s ‘cleaned’ whenever used really.
With you on the duvet cover, Smow.
Duvet. Very very rarely the duvet and duvet cover agree with what needs doing and behave nicely.
The other 99% of the time they are totally uncooperative.
Hoovering and cleaning out the oven, the latter probably gets the vote.

I'll happily clean the loo, don;t mind that at all - I clean each time I use it and give it a proper fettle every couple of weeks.

Because i have very little interest in food, I have very little interest in cooking it.
"The Run of Shame" to the bottle-bank is not our favourite - combining the potential for wasp stings and social humiliation ...
Which is why I so often hear.....Oh if you're going into the village, Gness, would you do the bottle banking?.... ;-)
andy hughes cooks his bog - surely not? But, then, maybe I am wrong....
oven cleaning ugh!!!
Cleaning the oven . I'll wait until I can afford a firm to do it for me! (T.b.h. it's an ancient oven - I rather want it to expire and give me an excuse for a new one.)
Generally speaking - I loathe housework and told OH so before we moved in together and married. So we share and he tends to take on the things I hate and which hurt my back - like ironing.
I’m with you on changing the duvet cover.
Changing the duvet cover. Very difficult on your own. It end up with lumps in it, and it never gets down to the corners. Have tried holding with pegs, but that's not very good really.
I hate the noise of vacuum cleaners.
Doing the cat litter tray
The household chore i hate the most is cleaning the top of the fridge & the tops of the wall units. Every 2nd month or so i spray sugar soap on them and give them a good clean. Haven't always done this but began doing so in mid 80s when, as a decorator, i was sick of putting my hands on greasy, sticky wall unit tops, when papering or painting the kitchens.
//oven cleaning ugh!!!//

Get somebody in - there are people out there providing that service
Indeed, Baz. I loved when the oven cleaning folk had been.

Temporary job I have hated for weeks and weeks now is keeping on top of the dust from the newly laid concrete conservatory floor.
Bliss was when Dave called upstairs to say the chap was here and laying the new floor. Not bliss was when I went down and saw it was the wrong flooring..... not a bit like I'd chosen.
New flooring will be laid when the floor layer can come again to the back of beyond which doesn't happen often..... :-(

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