I ordered some clothes online, as a guest, not with an account. I have now changed my mind. If I don’t collect the items from the store on Friday will they return them and refund my PayPal account., if so, how long does it take? I remember having problems with an online M&S Refund once before. Or would it be best to collect the items and return them to the store later?
If you don't collect it on the due date, they will hang on to it for another week so that will delay the refund process.
If it's collected but returnt to a food hall store, it can take up to fourteen day to process the refund. If it's a clothing store, it's processed the same day.
Shouldn't be. The trouble in not collecting is that they might extend your collection window. They gave me another week, but it was in lockdown.
The parcel then has to be returned to the warehouse, and the refund won't happen until it is scanned in. If you want it quicker collect it and return it immediately.