Music1 min ago
Draught Excluders
3 Answers
Anyone know where to get old fashioned type excluder that automatically drops and seals on outside of door?
This sort of thing? https://www. ironmongeryd product/exit ex-automatic -rise-&- fall-door-dr aught-exclud er-914mm-len gth-inward-o pening-alumi nium-536703 (NB: If hunting online, remember to check out the TrustPilot reviews of the companies that you find. My link above isn't the first one that I came across but I rejected...
17:55 Wed 01st Mar 2023
This sort of thing?
https:/ / onmonge rydirec /produc t/exite x-autom atic-ri se-& ;-fall- door-dr aught-e xcluder -914mm- length- inward- opening -alumin ium-536 703
(NB: If hunting online, remember to check out the TrustPilot reviews of the companies that you find. My link above isn't the first one that I came across but I rejected several others due to variable reviews. That company looks OK to me though: https:/ /uk.tru stpilot .com/re view/ww w.ironm ongeryd irect.c )
(NB: If hunting online, remember to check out the TrustPilot reviews of the companies that you find. My link above isn't the first one that I came across but I rejected several others due to variable reviews. That company looks OK to me though: https:/
Or this?
https:/ / nstruct ion-sup plies.c or-hard ware/95 7803-fi restop- 930mm-a utomati c-face- fix-dro p-down- door-se al-5056 2401176 52.html
(Only 2 reviews but both 5-star ones: https:/ /uk.tru stpilot .com/re view/ww w.const ruction -suppli k )
(Only 2 reviews but both 5-star ones: https:/