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JinnyJoan | 12:56 Wed 07th Feb 2024 | Home & Garden
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I mean gated property - which could make me "fenced in".  

I think its lovely - you would need to consider having the bath taken out and a shower put in.  

You can get special piddle trays for emergencies for maxi for the balcony.

Is it near to your sister?

it looks very roomy and not a lot needing doing to it except for the bath.

But also make you safer JJ

Do you like it?

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ah thanks Red - no it is not near the sister but literally near me (if I was fit) I could walk to it.  yes didn't like shower over the bath which is what I actually have although I got the plumber to put me in 3 grab handles which are great.  

Well it looks nice, bright and clean and is incredibly reasonable. You wouldn't get anything at that price in Dorset, the gates would make it safer I guess. Negatives to think of is you're on 2nd floor if the lifts break and you'd have to take Maxie up and down a lot and possibly not be allowed to let him run free in the communal gardens. Something to check on.

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estate agent are organising for me to view it perhaps next Monday.  I think there another 13 other apartments - maybe I could be lonely.  Believe it or not I'm not that great in small talk,.

It looks really good JJ. Wouldn't mind living there myself. 

Is it to buy or rent?

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yes if my house was sold at the price they said - I would make £60,000 but am not worried about that.  

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It looks nice and bright but with a dog it would have to be ground floor for me - and with a small garden.

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would have a parking space as now I have 5 cars on the left and sometimes 8 or 9 facing me in a cul-de-sac so it is hell to manoeuvre my car - it makes me a little sad I am moving because of cars  - the house facing me with 8 or 9 when mother was living with her - you could have counted 11 or 12 - right down the wee tiny cul-de-sac

Would you be able to take Maxie?

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naomi - I would like the one that's up for sale - with a balcony - always wanted a balcony - so the garden one wouldn't be for sale (I think)    may ask Estate Agent that

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haven't asked that question Barsel - may do now.  

I love it, the kitchen is lovely. It all looks so clean and new, but only if maxie is allowed to go with you . 

Please do JJ. Wouldn't want you to get excited about it just in case.

You must get a proper shower and not rely on one over the bath.  You may be able to use it now but probably not for much longer.  A Wet Room would be the best thing.

Be nice if you could sit in the garden in the summer and chat to your neighbours.  Ground Floor would be best if you want to interact with other people and better for Maxie.

generally it should not be a problem with pets in an appartment if you are purchasing but there are some that put in bylaws.

Deffo ask 

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Yes I am allowed to take Maxie - however was talking to my friend whose daughter lives there alone and she says because the property is gated - I could be lonely in that I wouldn't see anybody.  So think that's gone.

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