Love This Song, Sunshine On Leith. I...
Music6 mins ago
Any suggestions for a reasonably powerful reasonably priced one?
The range is so vast so don't know where to start. My preferred price would be under £60. It's for DIY use so doesn't need to run all day everyday.
If you are thinking of buying any other cordless tools it's worth checking if the batteries are interchangeable eg, we have a Bosch screwdriver/drill and a hedge-trimmer which use the same battery. Ryobi also do a range of tools which have a common battery. It's not so much the cost saving, although the batteries are relatively expensive, but the fact that two small batteries can be more useful than one large one. Having bought one cordless tool I realised just how convenient they are compared with a trailing wire and have bought several more - pressure washer, tyre pump and even a small chain saw. By chance the last three have interchangeable batteries even though they are completely different makes.
I tend to buy Bosch tools now for my amateur diy skills, User Recommendationref=sr_1_5?crid=2REJ39IBUJ3TB&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.e4CvACyoWus4Si8-Bn5CbOpFFPH_HZTAeibzUtERfalvwAVxBltUillrkh91BDZVFV4YzqB13etjCGy06TWTYFQ7zS6bGJUYY65guh7d3ZdtS2RuU8PDYFlsOmgGF_KlAle3XqbIuzJ11Kkg9eIq68v8NqQ4S3NTXLDnC0BgnIOxmC-7ze1zPHee8THg_oehLNWEjiryJVF-zljWR5ijTd8cV-kbbARoevlPXTCdVrGUNLTV1YW9m5zvPoA-qBe_TIpwnoWuXaI-iMxpOBr6n5rcVVl0xCZCiUEYkJY3yi0.3Yu7nsYaAfBy5WfU-EFMmdIHbeurkqh6EjRnSuww0F8&dib_tag=se&keywords=bosch%2Bcordless%2Bscrewdriver&qid=1710755268&sprefix=bosch%2Bcordless%2Caps%2C77&sr=8-5&th=1
I have one of these, works great: User Recommendationref=sr_1_7?crid=21P34SRXVIU11&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.8EM1RU4Jlkg21SaGPRW9vzhjYF1EOHruovt7hU9_oC6SziPu5kfZSsrvlm_uIZL0JntV64wxD248HkMZGllou6SGJHKE0Y3-2u7MQ0kAoPHfuAb3p8sJGPcmTK4WYC8B8LAn3TM2KxNh2gPc5z7oDiXZwniPlhZfhBau3gYV6zdQWiTrvfV0SMvGpkA4Nl1YQ25jveA78crlLQYLmLA2LMSiEDvSKTe32IlfxKEZLRLH8X_Pl0gU7DXK5bens0Pp4youtuiWkd7uADcDvmkIlCRLPUbOX22_o3Jlcg3NQ0U.qammLHV6ZVjOTnS1fWgepFxg0T3IB3Gb80PBQCqgfE0&dib_tag=se&keywords=terratek+screwdriver&qid=1710755650&sprefix=terratek+scr%2Caps%2C94&sr=8-7
Not so many years ago, anything like 3T's 26 quid Terratek would have been laughable. Very different now. With your £60 price range, just about anything would be fine for your use.
Continuous hard use is the killer. Most of them wouldn't last very long in my hands for instance. They'll do the job, but are best for light intermittent use, but of course, that's entirely subjective. Go for any of them Maydup. 18v lithium-ion has been a massive improvement.
For the sort of work you describe, I regularly use 2 drills at a time. One with an ordinary 4mm steel drill bit for 'pilot holes', and the other for screwdriving. The drill one can be as cheap as you like. Saves all the faff with swapping bits all the time. Using pilot holes will hugely extend the life of the driver.
Thanks again everyone.
This one is 20V, with a few attachments, a case and has a spare battery so I think I'll give it a go. User Recommendationref=mp_s_a_1_16?crid=1UZVYCXI3FL5D&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Eo8rBg9vfAez5yC2NbCo2yce22rCf6bTxPUAG0-6VHNVSaKWxMYBIS5RxylsahIWcDj6g2Wl7G06iOoSz5x9KorZXMu7Wsz-oV5UsFk3mZy5_gzCcxwiSY9BhTTWMFiC8q9jL2Fkc8C73bogt3IPJHsj-c-ePfjW3iuuSyhyNjVqfJqpdg80fMGVV8tYliz5n0e3fsgJGoYdlWLv_PwlKg.jV8TakzNjosXjo5_QxPK8OKZBtaiuBwiFdcmpW7AwZI&dib_tag=se&keywords=terratek+18v+cordless+drill+battery&qid=1710797665&sprefix=cordless+18v+battery+terr%2Caps%2C174&sr=8-16