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Pedometers And Elliptical Machines

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barry1010 | 10:17 Thu 04th Jul 2024 | Body & Soul
4 Answers

Will a pedometer accurately count steps when using an elliptical machine?

Apparently an expensive smartwatch doesn't.  Any ideas welcomed



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According to Wellable Activity Converter, twenty-minute elliptical workout is equivalent to 3800 to 4100 steps.Step counts are calculated using the metabolic equivalent for the task (MET), which compares the effort required for various exercises.
13:49 Sun 07th Jul 2024

some might but it depends on the impact nature of walking so on the elliptical there is no impact. If it's a sensitive accelerometer it might.

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Thanks, TTT.  The app I use used to count steps but that feature has been removed 

According to Wellable Activity Converter,
a twenty-minute elliptical workout is equivalent to 3800 to 4100 steps.
Step counts are calculated using the metabolic equivalent for the task (MET), which compares the effort required for various exercises.

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Thank you, Psalm, that is useful to know

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Pedometers And Elliptical Machines

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