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Would It Be Messed Up If My Brother And I Didn't Check Everywhere For Mold Before We Rent A Mobile Home Out?

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Cindy1302 | 22:07 Mon 08th Jul 2024 | Family & Relationships
9 Answers

My brother and I bought a mobile home in 2017. I moved out in 2019. I sold my brother my half, and he pays Me every month. We had some mold problems when I lived there but we got it fixed. My brother is moving away so he wanted to rent the house out, and pay me what he gets in rent. I told him I'd feel guilty if it was rented out and there was mold in the place. He said that if we see mold then we will get rid of it, and that he's not gonna tear the wals out just to see if there is mold in it, which I mostly agree would be overboard, but im not sure.



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You seem to be obsessive about mould (UK spelling)!

If you can't see it and you can't smell it, ignore it!

If you are worried use bleach when you clean before renting

You and your brother bought a mobile home and he later bought your half.

Since he is now its sole owner, what is it he's paying you for?

////   You and your brother bought a mobile home and he later bought your half.

Since he is now its sole owner, what is it he's paying you for?  ////

That's what I was wondering when I first read it .... but upon reading it again, I think her brother is paying her back what he owes over a set number of months ??

That's what I think, too, Giz. He's paying off his debt 

You mostly agree that tearing the walls out would be overboard??

1. You have sold this to your brother, it is no longer your concern.

2. Have you considered seeking some counselling for your obsession with mold and other cleaning issues and your need to report this or seek constant reassurance?


If you found mould, would you give a refund on the amounts already paid to you?

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Would It Be Messed Up If My Brother And I Didn't Check Everywhere For Mold Before We Rent A Mobile Home Out?

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