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Can't Seem To Get The Link To Work

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JinnyJoan | 11:57 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | Home & Garden
32 Answers

but maybe now - I don't want to move or downsize my house but want to install toilet, sink and shower at the back of my house in the garden (which isn't too big) and so I don't want a monstrosity either.  My friend, neighbour and builder has told me this cannot be done.  I just want it delivered all in one and he said absolutely no way but it would be great for me - here goes ith the link


no link won't work again but if there are anybody interested out there - could you at *Ad which shall not be named* at shower, toilet sink altogether and give me an opinion - he said the prices shown are actually for the actual, sink, shower and toilet - would anybody have any other kind of idea that could it be done

*Ad which shall not be named*.com   - think that where you find it   - thanks if you look 



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You are not going to find anything off the shelf that attaches to your house and looks housey.

If you want that you will have to get an extension built

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thanks Barry - that's the best anybody could get - there's a bit of an issue regarding the delivery  so they asked me to put an enquiry in which I did.

No it wouldn't attach to the house but somehow I could get a ramp between it and the house - I will let my builder see this.  Also it said it would connect to the mains - ( I don't know what that means) would that mean like connected to the gas of the house which I don't have - only oil but I will hopefully get a few things pointed out.  Thanks again Barry

Mains is probably electric, water and sewage waste

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then I would need electrician, plumber and the "installation" man.  

I do wonder will it come flat packed for instance or will the installation man have to install it.  I will ask these questions.

Jj, do you really think it's practical to have something that you'll need to go outside all weather? A RAMP?? I honestly do not understand the reasoning behind this.

It won't come flat packed.  Whoever you get to install it will have to dig down to connect it to the sewage pipe and water pipes, and connect it to the mains electric.

Unless you have a very wide passage leading from the pavement to your back garden it won't be able to get sited without craning it over your house.

To get it delivered to my house in the middle of England they would charge £500

That should give you an idea of the size and weight

JJ, are you thinking of something like this?

Personally I would get a toilet installed under the stairs or in a cupboard.

She wants something that looks part of the house and homey without having an extension built. She is adamant she doesn't want it under the stairs

This is a link to what BARRY posted earlier

JJ, if you copy and paste the link to the item you seen, I will convert it to a link that can be opened on here.

Corby, I must have posted a link to the wrong thing because that one isn't insulated, it's for indoor use and the delivery is much cheaper 

Never mind, if JJ posts her link, we can see what she's wanting.

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