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Yellow Bag Stain On Marble Counter

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Bionicle5 | 00:38 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | Home & Garden
12 Answers

I carelessly left a yellow plastic bag soaked with chemicals meant for cleaning sinks. After lifting the bag after a couple days I was horrified to find a big yellow mark on the marble bathroom counter. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can remove that?



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anything here that might help?

Sorry, I have no personal experience

It is my understanding that marble can soak in stuff. I wish you luck, but my suspicion is that it'd need replacing.

The stain will have soaked in. If it's not too deep it may be possible to "refinish" the surface using an abrasive (the link mentions steel wool) & then re-polishing.  Sounds like a job for an expert & results not guaranteed.

Not sure if you can use Barkeepers Friend on marble.  It is magic on ceramic and white plastic.

Baking soda mixed to a paste with a little water spread on the stain covered with plastic left overnight apparently works, try on an unseen place first. 

Try toothpaste, the cheapest you can find.  I got rid of horrible black marks off my marble using that, nothing else worked

Our daughter is involved with kitchens and advises everybody to avoid marble tops because of the stain risk.

Are you sure it's marble and not coriander?

I think you mean Corian, Tilly 😁


I'd try a gentle bleach...NOT chlorine-based, but oxygen-based.

Hydrogen peroxide solution.

If it is Corian, it can be rubbed out and polished.

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Yellow Bag Stain On Marble Counter

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