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Was This An Unreasonable Request?

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Treacle71 | 06:22 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | Business & Finance
8 Answers

At work, in our office, we have been without a cleaner for a few days. She was due to come back today (she did turn up later), but in the meantime, four bins in our office were overflowing with rubbish. A male worker in the office, who isn't my boss, somehow managed to obtain a big bin liner and said to me, "Gis a bit of help with the rubbish will ya"? I said I wasn't touching it, in which he replied, "But it's your rubbish too. Don't you do the rubbish at home"? I replied that of course I do, but I'm not at home now, plus I don't get paid any extra for doing that here".  He muttered something and went away and didn't speak to me all that morning.  It was his idea anyway.
It was him who wanted to rubbish bins collected in the first place.  I could've waited.  They weren't smelling and I was happy to wait for our cleaner (who turned up anyway). 

Later, this same guy, threw a rolled up golf ball sized foil ball at my other coworker.  It hit the wall, bounced and landed on my keyboard.  He said sorry to me and came over to pick it up, but he didn't apologise to my coworker, the intended target.  

Just what do you do with a guy like this?



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Get a job where you work on your own?

Good morning,

Firstly yes you should have helped clear the bins, it would have taken 2 minutes and showed that you are a team worker.

Secondly it the ball of foil was a jape between 2 coworkers, he apologised to you because you had been drawn into something that you didn't need to be.

You don't do anything with a guy like that because he is fun but also realises that things outside of his remit needs doing so he does them.

A true team worker.

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I personally don't see a problem with emptying the bins. He didn't ask you to do it on your own, he asked for help.

Is this the same fella that you have written about on here before? If so, is he annoying just you or everyone. Actually, I'll rephrase that. Is it just you that finds him annoying or does everyone else.

Having read a few of your posts, I honestly don't think you sound like a bundle of fun to work with. Maybe it's time to look for a position that makes you happier.

Good for your colleague taking the initiative to do something about the bins, hate the 'not my job' attitude over something essential that takes so little time.

You seem to think it is okay for you and the colleague that you like to have 'banter' during working hours but object to others doing the same.

Treacle you've had so many thoughtful answers to your absolute multitude of daily worries about what goes on in your office over the years. You need to take a step back and look at yourself. I also work in an office environent and if I were your LM I'd be hoping you choose to go elsewhere. You seem to have no idea of teamwork, if a cleaner is off why on earth wouldn't you help out with your office rubbish??

I seriously think if this is all for real you'd be way happier doing something completely different. In answer to your question the only unreasonable one is you.

You sound like a rather unpleasant person to work with. 

In answer to your question "just what do you do with a guy like this",  I would say lighten up, show him a bit of pleasantness and help him when he asks for help.

People might start to like you if you do this.  

No.  It wasn't an unreasonable request.  Lighten up and stop worrying about everything.

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