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Chicken And Chips

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Vagus | 18:24 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | Food & Drink
14 Answers

With a tin of sweetcorn and homemade apple sauce for us tonight. A small tub of Hagen daz icecream with bits of macaron in, saw them today in Sainsbury's and thought I'd try them.

chicken was a cook in the bag one and very large, think I got a bargain. Tomorrow we'll have chicken,with peas, carrots, small potatoes and gravy.

Any interesting evening meals tonight?



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Cold roast chicken with jacket potatoes and salad.

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Actually Tilly, we could have that tomorrow, have all the salad stuff in. How're your teef? 🦷

Aldi butter chicken curry & boiled rice.

Still not fixed, Vagus. Another appointment in August.

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I'm making butter chicken on Saturday Dave, it's my favourite 😋

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Is that for the start of your implant journey Tilly?

Yes, Vagus, it is.

Cheese sandwich. Cant be arrised cooking nowadays...

Cheese and ham sarnie from Morrison's petrol station, Doritos and a Mars Bar washed down with sparkling Pepsi Max.

Living the dream.

Vagus have you seen Choux has posted a message for you in Chatterbank?

My OH is having a dinner I put up for him yesterday, as he had to go out. So he's having roast chicken , roast pots, mix veg. I'm having fillet cod, new pots & peas.

Marinated pan fried trout fillet and big prawns, red chicory gratin...some frozen raspberries and a few squares of dark chocolate. 

Cheese and Onion patties, new potatoes,runner beans and courgettes from the garden. Carrots and sweetheart cabbage. 
I'm big on the veg!

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So am I as a rule maydup but tonight we had leftover chicken coronated over a jacket potato, not much veg in that!

I do like chicken, it's the one meat I do still enjoy, have quite gone off beef, pork and lamb, think it's the texture rather than the taste. Never thought I'd say it but I got really fed up and overwhelmed with prawns while we were in Sweden, such big portions quite spoiled it for me.

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