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Cleaning Car Windsscreen

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smurfchops | 21:27 Sun 28th Jul 2024 | Home & Garden
6 Answers

It is always smeary when I use windscreen wipers, what is the best way to clean it please?  Tia x



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Best way to clean the windscreen; or the wipers ?

How old are your wiper blades? They can look perfectly good but after a lot of use can be slightly rough, just enough to cause smear.

Get yourself a pair of the blades voted the best in 2024.

//Best wiper blades 2024

We get a clear view of the best wiper blade replacements

by: Tom Barnard

10 Jun 2024

No matter how sophisticated the vehicle we drive, we still rely on thin strips of rubber being dragged across a windscreen to help us see clearly in poor weather. Our windscreen wipers are expected to perform in the depths of winter and the heat of summer, cleaning away everything from snow to fly splats.

Unlike a belt which snaps or a bolt that breaks, wipers usually deteriorate slowly, so you may not notice they are smearing until the juddering becomes unbearable or the car fails an MoT. If your wipers are more than a year old, a new set will usually make a huge difference. \\

I bought some and they just clip on, easy peasy.


New blades (pref Bosch)every 2 years max. Proper solution in the bottle, but first scrub the screen with white vinegar and wipe the blade rubbers too.

Unfortunately, new blades on an already grubby screen will make little difference. You need to clean the screen properly with decent windscreen cleaner..or, if really bad, a windscreen polish...I've used Autoglym Glass Polish with excellent results.

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Thanks all,the wipers were BLACK.

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Cleaning Car Windsscreen

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