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Mobile Phone Showing Emergency Only

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Khandro | 17:45 Fri 02nd Aug 2024 | Technology
6 Answers

I have a pay as you go mobile phone which is fully charged and with plenty of credit but it now shows only 'Emergency'. Tried the usual on and off etc. but nothing works, any ideas please?



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Is it to do with you being abroad?

Check on your phone service provider's website to see if there are any reported problems with your local mast(s).  
[If you're with a provider that piggy backs onto the masts of a different provider, you'll probably need to go to the website of the firm which owns the masts.  e.g. if you're with Asda Mobile, you'll need to check the 'Service status' link on Vodafone's website].

Ask your neighbours if they're experiencing similar problems with their phones.

Also try removing the SIM, giving it a wipe with a clean cloth and then replacing it.

Try switching to Airplane Mode and then disabling it again.

Otherwise try calling your service provider's helpline (if they've got one), using a different phone if necessary.

Before doing anything I would switch the phone off and wait for 30 seconds. Then switch it back on thereby re-booting the phone. You may find it is now doing a system upgrade or resetting after doing one. This is assuming that you are showing that your mobile provider is showing as present. This shows at the top of the screen as ascending vertical bars. If you have no signal then you get a sort of crossed lozenge shape. 

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Thanks all. I tried Chris' methods but no go. I have found Alditalk has a email helpline address and I've sent a message - shall wait in hope.

Use the 'Live-Check vor Ort' facility here to check the network status:

Come and live in my part of Dorset, you'll see that all the time. It usually means you have no signal.

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Mobile Phone Showing Emergency Only

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