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Horizontal Plastic Planter Troughs

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Henry1865 | 18:19 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Home & Garden
3 Answers

I have been given a couple of these with no holes in the bottom, but they each have two conical devices standing about 4cm high with holes at the top. The bottom fills with water up 4cm. Can someone please explain what these are for / how they are used.  



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When you water the trough the cones ensure a 4cm reservoir in the bottom so that you can water less frequently. You need to be generous when watering; any excess above the 4cm reservoir will run out through the holes in the top of the cones.
19:06 Fri 16th Aug 2024

Are you sure there aren't marked points for you to make your own drainage holes ?


Unsure about the funnels but would guess you fill them with water and it dampens the soil gradually from the bottom up. 

They are where you drill the drainage holes, leaving a small reservoir of water in the bottom without allowing the trough to become waterlogged.

When you water the trough the cones ensure a 4cm reservoir in the bottom so that you can water less frequently. You need to be generous when watering; any excess above the 4cm reservoir will run out through the holes in the top of the cones.

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Horizontal Plastic Planter Troughs

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