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Air Fryer - Do You Put Yours Away?

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Barmaid | 12:21 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | Home & Garden
24 Answers

I am thinking of getting an air fryer - I use the air fryer in my IP but would probably use it more if it were slightly bigger and a dedicated air fryer.  The problem is work surface space.  Having got rid of the kitchen island we do have limited surface space and I would want to be able to put it away.  How heavy and cumbersome are they to move?  I have a shelved pantry and it could live in there, but if it is very heavy I do not want to be shifting it around too much.  



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We've a 3.8l cosiri, doesn't weigh very much at all. 

i have  Cosori 5 ltr and take it into the conservatory where i have a work top above washing machine etc ,it's not heavy .I keep it on a  small wooden kitchen trolley (the one with veg drawers ) with flat top when not in use .x

Big and heavy enough.

I could move it to put it away, and out again, but it wouldn't be my first choice.

Perhaps extend the kitchen ?

Have you got worktop space with no cupboard over? You're not supposed to use them under a wall cupboard.

I couldn't be doing with the faff of putting it away if I used it daily 

What is an IP?

Use ours most days, so it just 'lives' on the worktop.

Mine is just a little one (big enough for one person) so it just sits on the side with my kettle and toaster.

IP - Instant Pot cooker

If your hob is electric with a flat glass surface you could put it on there, we've done that for the last year or so. Move it over when using the hob.

because of the bulkiness and also didn't like it - I gave mine away to my nephew and no regrets.  Too big for my liking.  

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That is quite helpful, thank you all.  I am reluctant to use it on the cooker top because I have a habit of knocking the knobs and accidentally turning the hob on.  I do use my IP on the cooker top but have a thick wooden chopping board that I put on the cooker top first - thus if I accidentally turn the knob on the smell of the wooden board heating up normally alerts me to my stupidity.  This board is not big enough for an air fryer.


I did not know you shouldn't use them with cupboards above.  I do have a space that I think might be big enough which I could use for it but that will require a kitchen reorganisation.

However, this has prompted a bit of a re-think and so I think I may put it on the work-top in the utility room as its permanent home (which has no cupboards above) and retire my deep fat fryer.  Thus effectively extending the kitchen into the utility room (the fridge and microwave are in there in any event).  

1.  why did you get rid of your island?  I would love one of those,

2. do you have induction hobs?  if so, can the cats turn them on by wandering across them?


Got wall cupboards over all sections of worktop. Not bothered me, there's space all around. If worried you can always pull it to the front to use.

I have an induction hob and a cat might turn the unit on but unless there is a pan on the hob a 'ring' won't turn on.  

I have to touch to turn the unit on then touch somewhere else to turn the 'ring' on.

If there is no pan it doesn't get hot and turns off very quickly 



Barry, thanks.  I am still not sure whether I want to be adopted by a new cat, but this was a concern.  

Any idea how to save ornaments from destruction?😃

Super glue

Store them off site.

Instant pot sounds like a quick noodle meal.

I've bought 2 air fryers but ended up giving both away. Too much faff moving them about plus didn't like the uneven results. They are are all like an enclosed grill. 

Things you need to consider.  How many do you cook for? What would you cook in it? Your normal baking tins etc probably won't fit inside, and depending on what you've cooked, it will be very hot and needs to cool right down before storing. Having said all that, we are used to ours now, use it every day, but leave it out.

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